the trilogy continues

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"mr musk, are you ready for launch?"
*rocket noises*

the year is 3007, scientist and billionaire Elon[gated] Musk[rat] has just created a machine and intelligence to take humanity to the planet Mars. with his faith in his new technology, Elon insists on treading there himself, all alone. he knows there's no use for the red ball, since humans sucked out all of its valuables with tiny robots in order to stop the ice caps from melting, but it was cool enough to be the first person on the giant, and placing the american flag right into its soil.

*excessive rocket noises*
Elon let out a huge sigh, he made it, he was on fucking mars! the air felt thin, like when you put your finger tips on top of your other hands fingertips and do a suction motion n it's like your hands are on a piece of glass. or something,,like that. in the distance he couldn't see much, a cloud of red dust floated about, as if a car just sped down a dirt road.

Elon had a mission, to place the flag, collect a rock sample, and leave before his oxygen tank ran out, and he did. when stepping into his ship, a loud beat felt it's way through the ground and up elon's quaking legs. he looked around, the rocket didn't have a speaker, nor made any noise like that. an-and the rover, it died years ago.  the sound came faster and more rapid, and elon soon began to understand .
"e-eL CHOMBO???"
he recognized the voice immediately, but it still wasn't settling, is he here?? he can't be??
almost as the speed of light, he saw him.
his long skinny limbs, those big feet, the hands, that oh so good rounding head, and the eyes. 
"god help me"
elon murmured as the figure began approaching him. the song still played, but his mouth didn't move, it appeared to have just, radiated from his pores. he stopped dancing and gave elon a look down, his mouth opened to speak, but was cut off by 'DAME TU COSITA UH UH' that once again played in the background. elon stepped back a little frightened.
"w-who are you?"
the being looked around and pointed to the sky
"oh, wait, ur UH?"
he shook his head and crossed his arms waiting for the other part of the song to arise and pointed again.
he gave a 'close enough' shrug and began to walk towards elon's parked ship. control center was on every speakerphone and facetime, contacting elon to make sure everything was okay. it had been hours, but seeing dame felt only like seconds. flustered, he rushed over, stopping him from entering
"youuuu don't want to go in there, the cameras are on, if those people see you, they're gonna come and take you away."
dame looked at the floor and gave a smirk. he pushed past elon but didn't get far, he grabbed his long and slender arm and yanked him back.
"are you stupid? i'm being serious man"
dame began looking around the space, until he picked up some paper and found a pen. he began to write.
"how the fuck you know english"
he finished his message and gave it to elon, folded up, away from view.
elon grimaced and darted his eyes to the entrance of the ship. he hadn't noticed, but the song had subdued when inside. he walked towards the door and stuck his head out. almost like an invisible sheet the sound hit him. it was like a cloud of vocals and beats right out the entrance
"it won't come in..."
dame looked scared, he stood back in a weak stance, ready to fight absolutely nothing.
"hope you brought your valuables, because we're bouncing on this boys dick"

the door closed up, he couldn't be for certain, but the fact the music hadn't followed was probably due to the flex seal lining. phil swift himself came over and placed it on every window and door
"this, this holds great power elon...don't fuck it up for yourself"
if he had remembered this wisdom he probably wouldn't have opened the side hatch to throw his beer tabs out of once dame and him left mars, and he probably would have considered the possible outcomes of leaving a window open in space when an evil invisible being isn't far behind...

~end of part one~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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