The begining

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Ok so it all started in year 8 Lucas went into this year with his best friend Stella and they did every thing together they spent all day every day together.

Every thing was perfectly fine until Lucas fell in love with Stella. Lucas thought he knew Stella and decided to ask her out so he finally gained enough courage to ask her out so he did just that. he went to her house and said Stella If I asked you out would you say yes?. Her reply was WTF and Lucas and he said no please answer and her reply was not good for Lucas. Stella said no I would not say yes because I consider you as a brother. then Lucas was like ok can we still be friends and her reply was yes. then Lucas did not talk for a few days after a few days he said hi how are you? and she did not answer even tho every nigh he had been at her house she was glued to her phone so he felt sad and tried calling her then he was just declined straight away so he waited a few more days and still no reply Lucas felt a large hole inside his heart from the Los of his friendship. For several weeks Lucas was crying him self to sleep every night and on top of all he mistakes at school people were calling him ugly and fat this made him so sad and angry he got depressed but at school he still was the most kindest funniest person you would meet and no one knew he was depressed he sat by him self in class because the person he thought was his friend mike say next to his friend from primary and all 3 if us were friends were friends in primary school mike sat next to Kevin every period except geography one day Lucas didn't come to school in fact he had not shown up for a couple of weeks and then we found out he had been rushed to hospital when he came back to school his wrists were all bandaged up and everyone was shocked that this good student would do this to him self. It had been a couple of weeks since he had asked out Stella and he messages her saying if you reply to this message you still want to be friends and of you don't reply you don't want to be friends and then he said to him self I will give her a week and if she does not answer I am going to kill myself. So one week had passed and Lucas has been thinking about what he messaged to Stella and thought I'm not going to kill my self because I have lost someone that hates me and she has lost someone that loves her. Lucas went on living his life like nothing had happened but little did every body else know he was still mad angry and sad about one stupid question he hated himself everyday because of it.

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