Chapter One ~Today

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Chapter one ~ Today

It was a beautiful sunny morning in Pallet Town. The sun shining through the trees, giving light to the brand new day.

I Woke up to a sudden unexpected weight. I open my eyes and I see one super adorable overweight Pidgey. The small brown bird chirped happily from its spot on my chest.

"Hey buddy what's up?" I asked it, but it only looked at me with its brown eyes while chirping quietly. I looked over at my poke-ball shaped alarm clock reading 7:00 in a lime green neon colour. The bird flew off my chest and perched on the headboard of my bed. I sigh heavily to myself and swung the sheets off my body and I hear my dad's muffled voice yell out from the kitchen.

"Grey! Get down here! Or you won't be able to choose your first Pokémon!" it all comes back to me now, today's the day I get to choose my first Pokémon! Oh I have no idea who choose. They are all unique in their own individual ways. There's Charming Charmander the lizard fire type, there's the adorable Squirtle the turtle water type and finally there is the seed Pokémon, Bulbasaur the grass type. How does one chose between these three unique Pokémon? Honestly I would be extremely happy with any of them and I would still have them as my partner for life.

I snapped myself out of my daydream and got changed into my very new clothes. Underneath I wore a simple white t-shirt, with a blue jacket over the top and I wore the latest poke-watch on my left wrist. It had the same colour as a dive ball. I wore simple dark grey pants and I got on my also nay blue shoes that have a sexy neon blue strip down the middle. I grabbed my new bag that was just a simple black bag. I pre-packed the night before but there is one item I simply cannot forget. I grabbed my camera. I take it everywhere I go.

I know most young boys and girls want to become the next champion or coordinator. But not me, I want to gain new friendships, met new Pokémon and just simply take photos of rare Pokémon or just the scenery. I know that doesn't sound exciting but I want my journey to be different than the rest but it is my journey and this is the way it's going to be. I want to be the next famous artist, or photographer or even a news reporter, maybe a Pokémon journalist.

I was brought back to reality when I felt a presence on my shoulder, I looked down and I saw that he Pidgey had helped its self and perched on my shoulder. I looked at my watch and it was now 7:30. I felt my heart jump in my chest. I bashed open my door and sprinted down the stairs, I slipped hallway and fell the rest of the way down the stairs till I reached the bottom sooner than I wanted. I could already feel the bruises forming over my body. I heard laughter I peeked my head up to see the classy cat Persian lying on the rug in the living room and it had sat up just to laugh at me. What a cruel cat. The yellow cat looked down at me as it walked over and sat in front of me, gloating with all its might. If that is even a possibility.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up fur ball. It will be your last" the shrugged at me and crouched down into a playful stance, and it tackled me, I dogged to the left. The cat smirked at me. I tried my best to get off the hard cold floor. But the Pokémon tackle me to the floor and just simply laid across me.

"Dad!" I yelled out childishly, I felt the rough tough start to lick my face, I heard the cat purr on top of me. I hear some distant footprints come running up behind us. I hear my dad laugh at me.

"Help me!" I yelled as best as I could but it came out muffled. I just hear him chuckle at me.

"Looks like Persian doesn't want you to leave" he jokingly said. Finally the heavy cat got off and rubbed its self-up against my dad's legs while purring softly. I get off the ground and I looked at my dad. He had a big muscular body, he had dark brown hair, fairly tanned skin he had emerald eyes. Just like me. I smiled at him and he smirked at me.

"You know, you don't have to go on this journey of yours. You can just stay here and help me take care of the farm" he spoke softly, I smiled sadly.

"I know dad. But you already had your journey. It my turn." I tell him in the same volume.

He sighs heavily to himself with some soft tears forming in his eyes. "I know you ready for this Grey. I just don't won't to lose you like your mother" he tells me.

I step closer to him, "you're not going to lose me dad, and I'm just growing up. You know every Spearow has got to leave the nest sometime dad to become a Fearow." I tell him.

"I know Gray, and I raised you so well, your mother would be proud of you" he speaks even quieter.

"No dad, she's not just proud of me, she's proud of us" I tell him and I pull him into a hug. Time went by in between us. He pulled away.

"Look at the time! Grey you're going to be late!" he shouted. I looked at me watched at saw that it was now 8:00. I sprinted around him and start to make my way Professor Oak's laboratory. 

a/n's: Hello and thank you for reading my first chapter ^ 0 ^ hope you liked please give any type of feedback. :) xx

- Jackfrozt - 

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