The Bus Ride

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Molly had just fugured out that the boys were on a seperate bus. She was thankful, Ashlynn however was not and she complained the whole way to Camp.Rachel and isabella don't care much for boys. Molly though, had a little crush on a guy at their school. Molly texted him before and he told her that he was going to camp too. Molly could'nt wait to get off this stupid bus and see him. Molly was too exited so when she tried to sleep for the whole way there she couldn't stop thinking about him. And Ashlynn wouldn't stop talking.

Molly gave up on sleep and took her snacks out of her lucky pack. She handed a little debbies cake to eack of her friends and a box of juice. Afterwards, Molly and Ashlynn watched the movie the councler had put on. Since counclers love their Disney movies, they had put on Moana. Molly and Ashlynn obnxiously sang horribly to the songs while the kids gave them dirty looks. But they didn't care one bit. After a while, Molly got up to use the potale bathroom on the bus. "How handy" Molly thought as she got up. As soon as Molly had gottne a few seats away from Ashlynn, Molly felt a foot stick out of the eisle and trip her. Looking up to see who had tripped her, Molly spotted Annie and her Mean Girl Gang. They laughed and pointed at Molly. Caling her "Clumsy Girl" and "Doofus".

Ignoring her face burnt with embarrassment and shame, Molly continued her walk to the bathroom. When Molly was finished, she walked down the eilse past Annie, but jumped over Annie's Stuck out foot, Molly shot Annie a look of defiance. Which made Annie scowl and turn to whisper something in her best friend Stephanie's ear. Molly smirked feeling proud that she had gotten past one of Annie's nasty tricks. Molly spotted Ashlynn's head of blonde hair and sat down next to her again. Ashlynn had fallen asleep while Molly was gone. Molly laughed and gave the blanket over to her. Rachel and Isabella sat in front of Molly and Ashlynn. Rachel turned around when the councler wasn't looking and she talked to Molly, because Isabella had fallen asleep too.

The councler had spotted Rachel and told her to face the right way, Rachel scowled but did what she was told anyway. When the counselor turned away Rachel muttered curses at her. Then she turned around and talked to me again. This time, the counselor had put on Frozen and Molly and Rachel were discussing how bad it is (sorry if you like Frozen). Molly and Rachel knew it was so bad but they watched it anyway. Then the movie got to the part where Queen Elsa runs away and she sings, "Let It Go". Of course, Molly and Rachel sang horribly to that song too earning dirty looks from several people. But of course they coud care less about them anyway. When the conflict of Frozen had finally been solved, the buses officially arrived at Camp Wonder. Molly took ou her phone and snaped a picture of the entrance

When the bus driver lady announced that we were there, the bus erupted in a chorus of exited screams. All the people that had slept on the way here jumped awake confused and grumpy. Well, except Ashlynn. When she woke up she was confused for a second then realized we had reached our destination and she screamed the loudest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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