Chapter 1

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**2 Months Ago**

I walked into my apartment and all I see is Kian and my best friend Lia together. I started crying.


"Andrea, I can explain!" Kian said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm leaving." I said packing up my stuff. "Andrea don't leave me." He begged .

After that I left. That day I knew I was done with Kian Lawley.

**Regular Time**

"Andrea wake up! Wake up!! Connor and Ricky are here!" Jenn yelled.

"Noooo... Wait did u say Conn- Hey Connor.." I felt my cheeks turn red.

After I shooed every body out I got dressed into black leggings and a red crop top and just put my hair in a top knot. I walked out and took Jenn's waffles and sat by Connor. He was on his phone and on Tumblr. Typical Connor. I think he noticed I was looking at his phone. "May I help you nosy" he chuckled.

"Nope! Just looking" I said.

"Andrea do u want to go to the beach today?" Connor asked. "

"Sure!!" I replied and went to my room. I picked out a turquoise bikini top and purple bottoms and put them on and went out to the living room.

**Connors P.O.V**

Damn Andrea looked good. I took her to the beach and we spend the whole day playing in the water and eating ice cream. "So uh Andrea.. I have a question..." I started.

"Will you be my-" I was cut off bye Andrea staring at something. I looked and it was Kian.

"Yeah Connor what?" She asked paying attention.

"Will you be my girl friend??" I asked her quickly.

"Yes of course I will Connor!" She said hugging me and I made sure Kian saw.

**Kians Pov***

I looked over and saw Andrea and Connor. I started walking to them and they were hugging , kissing and giggling. Jealousy got the best if me and I punched Connor. Andrea was going to be mine and only mine. "CONNOR" she yelled getting down to him.

Soon Connor got up and punched me.

"Jealous that I have Andrea now?" He laughed and took Andrea to his car. I couldn't believe what I did.

**Andreas Pov**

When Kian punched Connor I couldn't take it anymore. Connor was mine and only mine. I got a text from Jenn.


Hey can u come home I need help:(

Me: Yeah but I'm wif Con da bon doe ;(


Please Andrea I need help BAD :'(



"Babe who you texting" Connor said being nosy.

" Jenn, she needs me home" I said.

"Okay I'll take u home cause Nicola is in town I was going to dinner with her" he said pulling in to our apartment complex.

"Awh I'm jealous of her" I pouted.

"I'll do something with you tomorrow." He said.

"Alrighty!! Bye Connor" I kissed him bye.

"Bye babe" he said biting his lip. I walked into my apartment to see Jenn throwing up in a trash can.

"JENN". I yelled walking to her.

"What happened" I said holding her hair.

"I'm- I'm" she threw up "pregnant" she finished.

"With who..." "Anthony" she said.

"Really!!!! Are you going to save it or have an abortion" I asked.

"Keep it" she said.

"How far are you" "3 months" she said.

"YOU DIDNT TELL ME FOR 3 MONTHS!!" I said loudly.

"Sowey" she said.

"Names?" I asked.

"Boy: Andrew or Alex Girl: Josie or Jessica" she said.

"But Anthony left me because he doesn't want a baby" she Said crying.

"Well! I'll help take care of them too!" I continued "But we need a new apartment.." I smiled

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