Chapter 2

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Andreas Pov

After a while of looking at apartments we got one. It was by Connors which was another reason I got it. It had 3 rooms. I fell in love with the beach view. It was breath taking. So we got back to our other apartment and packed which was easy cause we didn't have a lot of stuff. We put our notice in and moved in to our new apartment.

Connors Pov

I went to Andreas apartment and unlocked the door cause she got me a key. I heard moaning and yelling a name. A name I never want to here. It sounded like Andrea yelling Kian's name. I wouldn't be shocked. Andrea has always liked Kian. I ran out of the room and went home. Andrea started calling my phone and I answered it.

"Yes Andrea" I said a little more snappy.

"God what's your problem."

"My problem is that you and Kian are back together"

"No we're not together Connor. I'm with you and only you."

"But I heard you yell his name in your apartment. But it was really empty."

"Connor i moved. I moved by your house Con. Come over its number 324" she said.

"Alrighty. I love you" I said

"I lover you too loser" she giggled.

"Bye" and I hung up.

Since I was in already in my car I went to West key Apartments and went to her room.

I knocked and Jenn opened the door.

"Damn Jenn. Eat to much?" I said laughing.

"Jokes on you I'm Pregnant" she said tearing up.

"I'm so sorry Jenn" I hugged her.

"It's fine"

"I'm telling Andrea that your Kian" she laughed.

"ANDREA, KIANS HERE TO SEE YOU" she yelled about to crack up.

"Tell him to go away" she walked out and smiled seeing me.

"CONNOR" she hugged me.

"Girls can I talk to you. I said.

"Yea Connor what's up." Jenn said.

"Uhm the o2l boys kicked me out. An I need a place to stay" I said.

"You can stay with us. Not a problem" Andrea said.

I went back to the o2l house and got my stuff and headed back into our apartment. "I'll help you babe" Andrea said. "Nope I'm fine but which one is yours." I asked. "That one" she pointed to the closest room. I walked into it and it had its own bathroom. I sat my stuff on the floor and got the rest. "Andrea, I told you Connor isn't the nicest to me. Why is he staying here." Jenn said kicking a box.

Andreas Pov.

"So it's not okay if I can have a boy friend. But it's okay for you to have sex in our apartment while I sleep." I said a little more harshly then I wanted.

"Jenn I payed for this apartment and I let you live in it and this is how you treat me." I said and went in my room. Soon I decided to work on shields and stuff.

When I'm done Connor walks in with his bed frame and mattress. "So Jenn doesn't like me." He said building the bed. "It's hormones don't worry" I kissed him and started working on decorating. "Hey baby can u help me real quick" he said. I nodded and helped him and continued what I was doing before. "Connor can u grab my bathroom boxes in the living room" I asked. "Please" I grabbed his waist and kissed his neck.

"Sure" he pecked my lips and went to get them. I went to find Jenn setting up the baby room. "Hey Look I'm sorry about earlier" she said laying down a green carpet her mom gave her. "It's fine." I walked back into my room. Connor sat the boxes in the bathroom and I sat stuff in there spots. "ANDREA!! Help I'm going to die" Connor faked yelled. "Oh no my Prince Charming I said kissing him softly. "All better." He laughed. "You like?" He added on. "I love it babe" I said sweetly.

I grabbed my competitor and pillows and put on them on the bed. I laid down and Connor laid with me. "Let's get some food" he said. "Can we go to Chipotle?" I asked. "Whatever my princess wants" he smiled. I got up and went to Jenns room to ask if she wants anything and then we went to Chipotle!

"Hi I'm Bill and what would you like" this guy at Chipotle asked. "I'll have a burrito with black beans, white rice, steak, Sour Creme and Cheese." I said smiling. "Okay and here you go he handed me and Connor our food. "Andrea that guy was flirting with you." He said a little angry. "No he wasn't a Connor chill. We had this conversation earlier I'm yours and only yours."

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