Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I made my way to school. As usual, girls look at me. I had a smile on my face ever since I woke up from last night. I just had the best day with her.


We were on our second movie and second box of pizza. It was a comedy film and we were laughing the whole movie. We were cuddled up on her bed. There was this scene where the leading man asked his leading lady to be his girlfriend. I don't know why but I pictured Taylor and I in that moment.

"When can I make you my girlfriend?" I asked. I was completely shocked with what I said and so is she.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was saying." I apologized.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" She asked.

"I haven't really." I admit.

"If ever given a chance, you want me to be your first girlfriend?" She asked with a smirk playing on her face.

"....and last." I said. She smiled, trying to hide her blush.

"I never had a boyfriend before. And I'm not sure if I'm ready yet." She said with a nervous face.

"It's okay. We won't mean anything if you're not ready yet." I squeezed her hand and smiled.

"You just knew who I am hours ago. Why don't we get to know each other more? After that, you could properly ask 'the question'". She chuckled and I nodded.
We were cuddled up with each other and I don't know why it felt so special.

After the movie, since it was getting late, I decided to go home after we bid our goodbyes.

*end of flashback*

I was brought back to reality when the lads started surround me.

"What's up with you? You look happy." Louis said.

"Nothing. It's just- ugh I don't know." A smile still planted on my face.

"Okay, you're crazy." Liam stated. I rolled my eyes at him.

After minutes of small talks, they left. I was sitting on a school bench then I finally saw Taylor.

She's back in her nerd look. I still don't know why would she hide her beauty but who's complaining? That means I get her all to myself. What the hell Harold? U nutz?. Liam's right, I am crazy.

I walk to her and escorted her way to her locker.

"Hello. You look happy" She said with a confused smile.

"Why do everyone say that? Is it illegal to be happy?" I jokingly said and she chuckled.

Then the bell rang signalling it's time to go to our first class.


It's 3rd period, meaning it's math time again. I walked in the classroom but Taylor still isn't here. So I sat next to her usual seat.

After a while, Taylor entered and as usual, no one gives a damn.

She walked to me and sat on her seat. O flashed her a smile and so did she.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Hey" She replied.

I was about to start a conversation when our school principal entered along with our math teacher, Mrs. Hudson.

"A wonderful day to you, students. I came to announce that there will be no classes on Friday due to a seminar that will be attented by school principals around town." Our school principal, Mr. Rutch, said. I heard silent "yes!" from other students including Taylor.

"So, we will add an extra hour tomorrow. By that means, tomorrow's dismissal time is 4:30pm. Can we all agree on that?" Mr. Rutch asked.

"Yes Sir." We all said in union.

Mr. Rutch nodded and left the room.


Harry's POV

Fourth period started, meaning there are no class. I walked outside then I saw Taylor sitting on a school bench.

"Hey there." I called to her.

"Hi" she said.

I sat next to her and another awkward silence occured.

"So..." I said, trying to break the silence.

"So..." She turned to me.

"Erm... Uh would you like to hang out on Friday?" I nervously asked.

"I have to go somewhere else. But would you like to come with me?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said, a little too excited earning a laugh from her.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to buy some things for some people then we'll drop it to them then after that, you can have a day with just me." She explained and smiled at me.

"Sounds great. For who are we going to buy things?" I asked.

"I'll explain it to you there. You can come to my place early and we can have breakfast there." She said.

"Sounds amazing." I smiled. Then my lads came.

"Hey Harry." Liam greeted.

"Oh hi Taylor." Liam said as he noticed Taylor beside me.

"Are we disturbing you guys? We can leave..." Louis said.

"No no no, it's okay." Taylor smiled at him, making Zayn laugh a bit at the sight of Taylor's big teeth. Oh if they only knew the beauty that was hiding underneath.

"So Harry, you wanna come at my place on Friday? We can go to the party together in that way." Niall said. Shit, the party. Well, I guess I'd rather spend a day with a wonderful girl than to get drunk and have a massive headache the next morning.

"Uh... I have other plans. And I can't go to the party." I said, trying to sound disappointed.

"What?! That's the party of the century, man. Who you spending that day then? ooooohhhh is it someone special??" Liam teased.

"In fact, yes. It is someone special. I'd really like to spend the day with her. Sorry lads." I said, and I can feel Taylor smiling at me.

"So it's a "her". Okay we understand." Louis nudged his elbow on me and I playfully rolled my eyes on him.

"Have fun on your "day" Zayn teased, air quoting the word "day".

"We'll see you then. Bye Tay." Niall said and soon, all of them left.

"You really don't want to go to the party? It's okay if you won't come with me." Taylor said.

"No really.  I meant what I said that I'd like to spend the day with you." I smiled and she returned it.

Louis' POV

"Who do you think Harry dudged the party for?" Zayn asked.

"She must be special. I mean, Harry woudn't want to miss a party." Niall stated.

"Why don't we follow him? Like spies thingy. Just to make sure that curly puppy isn't into any trouble." Liam said.

"Sure." We all said in union.

Can't believe our little Harold has a girl. I mean, knowing him, he hasn't been in a serious relationship with anyone. The maximum time he spent with a girl is 3 days.

I guess that girl must be really special.

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