"I dont want to!" Said Autumn cowering from Queen chrysalis, "but you must! Your duty is to do as I comand! Your not like a pony are you?" She said moving closer to Autumn. She was the biggest of all the changelings, she even had a...mane I think...she tawored over Autumn and threated to kick him out of the hive "if you dont obey my order than you can kiss the hive goodbye!" She yells, Autumn was nearly crying from all the yelling, he had no friends except for his brother stinger,Thorax was his best friend however they would mock the queen behind her back and play hide and change it was his favorite game the hider has to change into something and the seeker must find them, it was like hide and seek but way more intense. Pharynx would keep telling Autumn that he was soft and weak and an embarrassment to the hive, Pharynx was Thoraxs elder brother, a very strong changeling with purple eyes and back with red wings and mane....is it even a mane?he would even kick him sometimes. Once the rest of the changelings saw this they began to try and help Autumn by keeping Pharynx away from him. He appreciated the help and thanked them a lot. Once the day of the "Canterlots downfall" meeting had arrived all the changelings were brought to the throne room, a massive circular room with a giant throne made of some dark crystal sat in the middle, and of course queen chrysalis sat apon it. As the room filled in with more and more changelings queen chrysalis began to laugh a sinister laugh, she even made Pharynx jump a bit, of coruse Autumn coward. "Now in two days, Canterlot belongs to us!" Roared queen chrysalis "Autumn! Join me why don't you?" Many of the changelings looked confused and baffled, Autumn however looked like he was sentanced to death, he was shaking from wing to hooves, "Pharynx can you bring him here please? Stinger help Pharynx please" says queen chrysalis with a bored tone, Autumns brother stinger grabed Autumn by one hoove while Pharynx took the other, slowly they brought him to the throne and sat him on it. Queen chrysalis bent down to meet Autumn gaze and said in a surprisingly soft voice "now Autumn, I know many of the changeling see you as weak and soft" she throws Pharynx a nasty look "but now you can redeem yourself, take over Canterlot and it will be YOUR new kingdom, I promise" she stands up strate and looks at the changelings "YOUR COMRADE AUTUMN HAS BEEN SHOWN AS SOFT" she roared a voice as if giving a body builder pep talk "BUT TODAY MY LOYAL SUBJECTS! TODAY HE WILL GROW STRONG AND PROUD!" The hive filled with cheers and laughs of joy, "today my hive, he is no longer weak, but a true changeling! Strong, proud and unstoppable!" Autumn was sitting there confused and shocked "wait!" Came Pharynxs voice "a weakling like him can't ever be a true changeling! Im the only one here! He'll end up betraying us you'll see!" Queen chrysalis looked angry "DONT EVER QUESTION WHAT I SAY PHARINX!" Queen chrysalis shouted. Later that day many of the changelings seemed to want to be friends with Autumn, Pharynx was kept far away from Autumn. Now two days later and Canterlots downfall was to begin, the plan was to capture princess cadance and queen chrysalis was to replace her and Mary shining armor instead, once that happened she would tell shining armor to drop the protection shield and all of the changelings were to capture and inslave all the ponys in Canterlot. Autumn the rest of the changelings was now making there way towards Canterlot, on the way Autumn kept wanting to turn back but the cance of having his own kingdom would be to great. Once they were at Canterlot queen Chrysalis made her way into Canterlot while Autumn and the Changelings made there way to the top of the protection barrier and waited. Hours passed by and a train to Canterlot arrived, out of which came Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and a pony that made Autumns heart flutter, Pinkie pie, he loved her but he knew she would never except a changeling. Days passed by with restless nights, Pharynx kept bringing back food like bread, berrys and loads of sweets, almost no changeling ate surger only Stinger, Autumn and Thorax would. Then they got the signal from queen Chrysalis to brake the barrier, one by one they smashed themselves into the magical barrier intill it began to crack, twenty more hits later and the barrier collapsed and then the changelings swarmed in and started to round up ponys, Autumn and Thorax stayed though, Autumn sae the ponys that entered in try and head to the main branch of the castle, Autumn knew that inside of which were many changelings waiting to ambush them. He soared through the air towards them, he landed in front of Twilight and tried to speak but with a loud yell Pinkie pie bucked Autumn hard in the face. He lay there out cold he had a dream , a dream that the changelings have been excepted into ponyville, were Autumn and Pinkie pie actually started dating, he wanted to stay asleep forever....."AUTUMN!" Shouted a voice that made Autumn jump, he rubbed his tired eyes to see Thorax "are you ok? You got hit pretty hard back there" Thorax held out a hoove to help Autumn get up. Autumn was some were different, it was a cave with crystals growing everywhere "I dragged you here while you were out cold" started Thorax "its underneath the Canterlot castle" Autumn looked around and said "wait there's no food, no love to feast on" Thorax looked at Autumn and says "nope, unless a changeling can get used to going years without love, then we're gonna starve" Autumn didn't want to die! Not today not now not ever! A month passed by and then two changelings were starving in cave, sometimes they would change into random ponys and feast on love through out Canterlot, they got caught twice by gaurd ponys. And unless they can find a way to get love without being caught, then they might not be able to escape next time.
Changelings Can Change
عشوائيA changeling by the name of Autumn wants to make friends and be happy, but his horrible queen will not allow it. He tries to covence the others that the queen is wrong and shes holding them back, but they will not listen. What will happen? Can he co...