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Here is yet another amazing writer! Cheers to her :)

1) What is your username?


2) How many works do you have, finished or in progress?

I currently have five

3) What is your favorite genre to write?

I don’t really have a favorite; I just prefer some over others.

4) What is your favorite genre to read?

I love action, adventure, and science fiction the most.

5) What is your favorite work you've written so far?

The Jedi Purge: A Terror in a Padawan’s eyes

6) Why do you write?

It keeps me entertained and it’s a lot of fun.

7) Do you plan on having a career in writing? (Or do you have a career in writing?)

Yes, I most certainly do J

8) Do you have any published works? If not, do you hope to one day?

No, I do not currently have any but I definitely hope to!

9) Who is/are your favorite wattpad writer(s)? 

@MusicLover1996 @xxKamixx @Super493xx @CyronADavis @purintonb113 @yunru28 and many many more! 

10) What inspires you to write?

I am inspired by my friends, family, and Gary Paulsen, whom is my favorite author! <3

And there she is ladies and gentlemen! Please, support her in her works by going and checking out a story of hers. Thanks a bunch! 

Here's her link:

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