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Aha and yet another author is going to join the Amazing Wattpad Authors book. YAY! I love being able to add new people. Please check out @BrittanyLeigh8 

1) What is your username?


2) How many works do you have, finished or in progress?

I currently have two finished works and five works in progress.

3) What is your favorite genre to write?

My favorite genre to write is teen romance.

4) What is your favorite genre to read?

My favorite genre to read is vampire romance.

5) What is your favorite work you've written so far?

My favorite work I have written so far is My Best Friend is a Vampire and He Wants to Claim Me.

6) Why do you write?

The reason I write is because I love it. I love being able to live through my characters. It’s like my escape to my own little world.

7) Do you plan on having a career in writing? (Or do you have a career in writing?)

I don’t plan on making a career out of writing right now. I mainly do it for fun but who knows what the future holds?

8) Do you have any published works? If not, do you hope to one day?

I don’t have any published works right now but maybe one day.

9) Who is/are your favorite wattpad writer(s)? 

My favorite Wattpad authors are Kirsty1000 and Jemma1011

10) What inspires you to write?

The things that inspire me to write are reading books, watching movies, and my fans.

Well there you have it folks! If you're interested in reading some of the works, please feel free! I'm sure it'd be much appreciated. Thanks! <3

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