Chapter Sixteen - Violet

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We are about ten minutes into Clueless, nachos and popcorn laid out on the coffee table, when someone starts knocking insistently at the front door.

'Leave them, they're probably just trying to sell something,' Jo suggests, stuffing popcorn into her mouth.

Then we hear someone, male, drunkenly shouting Celia's name.

'Oh, fuck.' Celia's face goes pale. 'I think it's Max.'

'Max? What the Hell is he doing here?' I roll my eyes. 'It has been more than a week since you broke up. He needs to take a hint.'

'I really don't want to see him right now,' Celia tells me, 'can you go and talk him to him? Please?' There is a pleading look in her eyes. I don't need to ask "why me" because since we have known each other we've always had each other's backs in these situations. I propel myself off the sofa, leaving the other girls behind, to deal with the situation unfolding on our doorstep.

Flinging over the front door dramatically I find Max standing there looking far worse than I anticipated. At least two thirds of the way through a bottle of vodka and swaying where he stands. I am fully prepared for a stern showdown but the forlorn expression on his face instantly makes me feel sorry for him.

'She doesn't want to see you right now,' I say, as kindly as possible, whilst wedging myself firmly between him and the entrance to the house in case he gets any ideas.

'Please, let me talk to her,' he says pathetically. I can smell the alcohol rolling off him.

'It's over. Go home.'

'I just need to explain...' he is stumbling over his words. 'I never cheated on her.'

'I'm sorry, Max, but she has moved on,' I tell him, thinking of what Laura told me earlier that morning about Celia meeting someone new. The moment I say the words I regret it. Pain passes through his eyes and he seems to crumple inwards.

He takes a few unsteady steps back until he is off my porch, glancing back once to look at me mournfully. The setting sun is highlighting his hair golden until I can almost convince myself it is the same colour as Ghoul's hair.

I close the door feeling overly guilty about turning him away, and when I return to the living room I find three pairs of eyes looking at me expectantly.

'Well?' Celia asks, 'what did he want?'

'Um, just to let you know he never cheated - blah blah blah.' I lean back into the sofa cushions, utterly exhausted from my night in prison.

'Maybe I should listen to what he has to say?'

'He was wasted,' I add, 'if you really think it is a good idea to speak with him I suggest tomorrow when he is sober.'

Celia nods to my words and Jo presses play on the movie so girls' night kicks off properly once more. I am asleep within the hour.

When my phone starts buzzing I silence it without thinking as today is my day off. Celia and I have fallen asleep on the sofa bed after the movie but she pokes me in the arm to wake me up when my phone keeps buzzing.

After a few moments I realise it is not my alarm but someone calling me persistently. Sighing I retrieve my phone and see No Caller ID before pressing "Answer".

'Ms Devereux? It's Detective Shaw with the Met police,' an unfamiliar voice echoes through my phone. 'I'm afraid there has been an incident at the City Hall... where are you?'

Through the grogginess of sleep my mind takes longer than usual to comprehend his words. 'Incident? What kind of incident?'

'You need to come over here right away. We can send a car to pick you up. Are you home?'

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