Chapter Six

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-Eren's POV-

Levi's rough lips met mine, and I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to let go of the seemingly emotionless man who had opened up to me. If he was like this, really, then maybe there wasn't a reason to die.

"Well, well, well," a voice called from the doorway. Levi ripped himself away from me, and I looked up to see Jean standing in the door, with Mr. Smith running up to catch him.

"Kirschtein, what are you-" Mr. Smith called, then stopped behind him in the doorway, seeing the two of of sitting there. "Levi? Yaeger? What are you doing here?"
"They were making out in here, Mr. Smith," Horseface said, turning to adress the teacher.

"Oi, Kirschtein, you know students aren't allowed in the teach-" Levi started, getting up from the chair and glaring at Jean.

"Then what the hell is he doing here?" Jean snapped, cutting off Levi.
"If you would let me finish my sentence, I would have said without teacher's permission."

Mr. Smith walked into the room, sitting down at the table across from me and setting his face in his hands. I looked down, setting my hands in my lap and tried to ignore Jean and Levi bickering in the background, until I felt Levi's hand set itself on my shoulder.

"Rivaille, what the hell are we going to do about this?" Mr. Smith said, looking up. "Hell, it's probably not even legal!"

"None of this was ever any of your buisness," Levi responded. "Kirschtein, get back to class, it should be starting soon. We'll be keeping Eren."

Jean huffed out of the room, running up the stairs to get to class in time. I looked back down at my hands, twisting the small bracelet Mikasa had got me, which was made of a bunch of small shells- it was from the ocean, and she had made it herself.

"Eren, are you okay?" Mr. Smith said, and I realized that I was crying, the tears running down my wrist.

"No," I whispered, and I felt Levi pull me into his side, and the soft sweater tickled my cheek. It was oddly comforting, but I inched away from the short man, and sat at the table.

"You know, I have absolutely no idea what is going on here," Mr. Smith said, then walked over to the phone, picking it off of the wall, "but I think we'll be here a while." The buttons clicked underneath his fingers.

"Hello, Dot? Yes, it's Erwin. Rivaille and I are busy, and won't be able to attend the rest of today's classes. Please send substitues. Yes, I know that I've already done this too many times. Yes, it's important. Okay, thank you."

"Levi, you're fine for the rest of the day," he said, sitting back down. "Now, Eren, what the hell is going on here?"

I looked back up, sliding the jacket sleeve over my cut wrists, and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I-I don't think even L-Levi knows, and I-I sure as h-hell don't," I stuttered, trying to catch my breath, and Levi wrapped his arms around me.

"I guess it's wierd. Eren forgot his apartment card yesterday, and then stayed at my place. Nothing happened there," he started, then looked down at me. My eyes told him to lie about that part- it wasn't really important to the story, anyway. "Kirschtein, or Horseface, found us walking to the school this morning, and I guess rumors spread. Eren, am I allowed to tell him what happened next?"

"Y-Yeah," I whispered, then nestled into him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Eren dropped this," Levi said, pushing the notebook towards Smith. "I called him here to talk about it, then I let something slip out, and you walked in on us. End of story."

Mr. Smith flipped through the notebook, then looked up at me, and reached over to grab my arm. Before I could protest, he rolled up the sleeve of my jacket and started at the cuts, some of which had only just scabbed over.

"Eren?" he said, looking into my tear stained eyes.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to pull my hand away.

"Don't," he said, then let me slide my hand back into my lap. I collapsed into Levi once Mr. Smith left. We were safe, for now- Jean wouldn't let this oppurtunity run past him.

"Alright, want to start to head back up to the class?" he asked, setting his face close to mine as the bell was close to ringing.

"Yeah," I said, bringing myself to my feet and steadying myself against the table as I started trailing behind Levi, the bell ringing through the hallways. We started running up the stairs, trying to get out before the crowds swarmed the hallways. Just in time, we walked into Levi's room and came face-to-face with a large handful of students.

"Don't you guys have things to do?" Levi asked, pushing his way through the thick knot of people to get to his desk.

"Why do you say so? Do you need your Eren Time?" Jean sneered, pinning me up against the wall. Levi started pulling out papers and books from the shelves behing him and placing them on his desk.

"Kirschtein, don't you want to see Bott? I'm sure he's getting tired of waiting for you in the bathrooms," Levi said, keeping his calm voice, but shooting me a small smile. Jean let go of my arms and walked over to Levi's desk, dismissing the other kids, and I walked to the wall behind Levi.

"There's no way you'll make fun at Marco. He's mine, and I'm going to make sure he's safe."

"Well, I'm pretty sure he's more of your fuckbuddy than a boyfriend," Levi started, staring at Jean, and I watched him squirm under Levi's wrath. "Jean, I've known for a while why you've been skipping class, and It's not just to go shopping. The halls echo with your moans."

"At least I'm getting some, virgin Eren's probably too scared to take it to the next level, especially with a rough stray like you."

"Actually, for your information, Eren and I slept together last night," Levi said, and I looked down and blushed. It wasn't completely a lie, we did sleep together, but as in we slept in the same bed.

"Oh, did you, now? I'm sure that the school would love to hear that!"

"And I'm sure that the school would enjoy me handing out your sex schedule, and the doodles of Marco you have on your notes. You shut up about this, and I won't say a word."


"Alright, Kirschtein, I have a few things I need to do, and I would appreciate if you would get out. And before you say it, none of those things are Eren."

shit I love writing this thing but nobody reads it ;A;

ah well.

New chapter, ily guys!

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