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Nightmare was walking in his 'castle' , down a hall to his office to get his blueprints for a new plan he has an idea of. Cross sat in the room patiently waiting to scare the living daylights out of Nightmare and hopefully get close to him Cross hung from the ceiling silent as Chara was bothering him... He held tight to the office ceiling hearing footsteps down the hall he shushed Chara... Nightmare got closer to the office , and finally opened the door Cross waited until Nightmare was right under him and smirked dropped on Nightmare "HAI SENPAI!" Cross laughed The tentacles on nightmare sensed something was coming already and wrapped around cross before he even touched Nightmare or fell on him. Nightmare turned around with a glare at Cross.
"What the hell did you think you were doing?" Cross laughed nervously and stared at Nightmare "S-Senpai its just a joke, c-chill your tentacles a-are hhh..." Cross squirmed uncomfortably
[I]"Don't call me that. ."
Nightmare growled before putting down Cross and 'grounding' him. "You've lost your Tv Privileges for 2 days ." He said before sitting in his office chair. Cross huffed sitting on the floor pouting "sennnpppaaii... Im boooorrreeeddd" Cross messed and fought with the tentacles ".. not my problem, go find someone else to bother." He said working on the blueprints,as the tentacles fought with Cross too. Nightmare was too focused on his ideas to even care right now. Cross growled at the tentacles pulling out a sword "I could make sushi outta you!" He used the dull part of his sword to fight the tentacles.Nightmare couldn't concentrate cause of Cross and the tentacles fighting , he made the tentacles push cross out the office door and close the door as well, then lock it. "Finally." He sighs and continues on his blue prints for a while, Which he should be done in about 5 to 10 minutes or so. Cross huffed "Sennnpppaaii uggghhh" Cross crawled on the ceiling again and waited for Nightmare to walk out smiling quietly Cross waited... After he worked on the blueprints , he put them in his hands , walked to the door and unlocked it again, walking out of it , and the tentacles closed the door on the way out. Cross pounced on Nightmare while he thought the tentacles were busy and smirked "Senpaii!" Nightmare's tentacles were about to block Cross, but failed . Nightmare had gotten tackled by Cross, which looked embarrassing to him, getting tackled on by this stupid skele."What the hell?!" Cross snickered and sat on top of Nightmare "ha I got you senpai!" Cross was so pleased with himself he didnt notice how pissed Nightmare likely was "Finally 2nd try is the charm ey senpai" Cross smiled Nightmare had a furious look on his face . He looked at Cross, and shoved him off as he sat down across from Cross .
"Why did you do that?!" Cross shrugged still smiling "boredom, fun, and likely playfulness because you're so uptight and cant possibly fathom the idea of fun" Cross smirked and pulled out his sword snickering [I]" 'fun'? I can be fun! I just don't have time for that stupidity!"
Nightmare said glaring at Cross, and at the sword he had in his hand, Cross laughed "No you can't you're too uptight~.. you're just proving my point Senpai" Cross said as he play battled the tentacles snickering and lightly blushing and smiling Nightmare growled and crossed his arms. "'re so annoying.." Cross snickered and kissed one of the tentacles "annoyingly right maybe~" Cross continued to battle the tentacles "you're no fun and you've probably spent so long working you don't know how to have fun anymore" Cross laughed smirking Nightmare blushed lightly and growled as Cross kissed one of his tentacles and started to mumble curse words as he got back up. Cross tried to tackle Nightmare again "hm what was that Senpai I couldn't hear you over your blush!" Cross snickered Nightmare was startled by this sudden action . And got tackled by the skele again. The tentacles pushed him off.
"Get off me you idiot!" Cross laughed hysterically "I told you so unfun and uptight" "How is that fun?!"
He said , pretty upset And stood back up. "Because you get so pissy!" Cross laughed and smiled hugely "poor Senpai so uptight" Nightmare growled and threw a vase with his tentacles at Cross , and stomped off . Cross snickered grinning "chill Senpai"
Nightmare continued to walk off , really pissed at Cross. The other bad guys in the castle just stared at Nightmare as he slammed the door to his room. Cross followed 10 mins later and knocked on the door "senpai???"
"Go Away!" Nightmare said trying to make his voice to sound deeper, as he was reading a book on his bed. . In his uncorrupted form to save energy .He locked the door to his room just in case Cross would come. Cross teleported in anyways "OMG YOURE IN YOURE CUTE FORM SENPAI!!!"
Nightmare blushed lightly and threw the book at Cross.
"Shut up!"
Cross dodged and blushed squealing "you're even cuter when you're mad!"
Nightmare groaned.
"I'm not cute."
Cross snickered and teleported closer "yes you are look how small and flustered you are!" Nightmare glared at him and blushed a slight bit more.
"I prefer the term.. average height. Thank you very much." He said a little upset, but also very flustered. Cross laughed "maybe if you're going by women's average height" he whispered and snickered "At least I don't act like one."
Nightmare stepped closer to Cross and punched his arm harshly, out of being flustered and took that as an insult.
Cross smirked and tackled Nightmare onto the bed "at least I dont look like one Princess" Cross blushed Nightmare blushed a lot and glared at Cross.
"Get. Off . Of . Me."
He tried shoving him off , clearly upset .
Cross knew he was stronger than Nightmare so he stayed on top of Nightmare "awe senpai so flustered and cute~"
Nightmare looked away and shoved Cross.
"..I'm not cute."
He said glaring someplace else, since he didn't want to look in Cross's direction.
Cross chuckled and still sat near Nightmare "Many would beg to differ~" Cross began to crawl on top of Nightmare smirking
"Shut up.. You idiot .."
Nightmare said still shoving cross away, or trying to atleast.
Cross laughed "your form is so weak and adorable" Cross continued to climb on top of Nightmare "besides Senpai why not let me have fun~"
"No way!" Nightmare said squirming and shoving him a bit harsher.
Cross snickered and sat back "so uptight~" Nightmare glared at him and growled as he sat back up too, but scooting away from him. Cross laughed "whats wrong scared?~" Cross kept his distance still smirking "No.. you're just so hazardously annoying.."
Nightmare said glaring at him , while crossing his arms . Cross pounced on Nightmare "annoying eh? In this form of yours you couldn't stop me if you wanted to~" Cross held Nightmare down smirking Nightmare was shocked at first then he stared at Cross .
He tried kicking him, as he hissed at him.
"I hate you.."
he said soon giving up on kicking or trying to get him off.
Cross smirked and continued laying on Nightmare "damn thats 5 times I'm right today~" Cross nuzzles Nightmares neck
Nightmare blushed deeply, and groaned.
"Don't suck up to it.."
he said, pretty pissed at Cross.. but What Can he do in this weak form.?
Cross snickered and licked Nightmare's neck "buuuuttt senpai" Cross softly bit and sucked his neck while holding him down
Nightmare squirmed and held in moans as he was being pinned down. He was so gonna get him back.. after these 3 hours of this form.
Cross licked more of Nightmare's neck searching for a sensitive spot as he gently grinded on him. "..Cross..staah..p.."
he said blushing intensely. Squirming a bit more, trying to get out of Cross' grip. Cross held tight and kissed that spot beginning to suck and abuse it,
Nightmare moaned lightly from pleasure and pain, as he tried to kick him off . Cross held on and kept abusing Nightmare's neck while grinding on him he huffed "awe Senpai come on~" Nightmare moaned as Cross grinded on him. "mn.. ." He shook his head almost getting lost in this and continued to kick. Cross panted and grinded harder holding Nightmare tighter he moved down to Nightmare's ribs licking and biting them as he held Nightmare down with magic "dont be so uptight~" Soon Nightmare couldn't hold in the moans. "! Cross~..!" He moaned out, But soon regretted he did. His ribs were pretty sensitive as he blushed deeply. Cross stopped and blushed "oh you're sensitive there~" Cross snapped his fingers and his magic fully restrained Nightmare Cross went back to licking and sucking Nightmare's ribs as he grinded softly
"G-gah..!~ , Cross!..~ Stop.. this instant!.."
he said yelling, while having a complete violet face.
"Or whatt~" Cross smirked teasing Nightmares ribs softly
Nightmare thought for a moment . What Can he do in a situation like this? He stayed silent as he tried thinking, but couldn't think straight since Cross was teasing him, by touching his ribs. Cross licked Nightmare's ribs and grinded and humped faster undoing their pants
Nightmare panted lightly, and moaned from all the pleasure he's been given. He tried hard not to sink into this like other idiots like him would.. ' idiots that would beg? The king of Nightmares doesn't beg. ' He thought.
But still moaned and tried to hold them in, but couldn't .
Cross bit Nightmare's neck while toying with his ribs and tailbone "senpai you look so cute like this~"
Nightmare squeaked a bit as he got bit on the neck, then after he did he moaned again cause of his touch.
He said with a sound of lust in his voice, Cross continued and licked the spot he bit he gently rubbed Nightmare's pelvis while messing with his tailbone "stop what~?" Cross asked innocently "St..Stop.. being .. a tease~.."
He moaned some more after Cross was touching his lower region, and was licking his neck. Cross stopped and slowly grinded on Nightmare "maybe if you beg~" Nightmare couldn't think straight anymore .
"Gh.. p..please..~?"
"Please what senpai~?" Cross grinded harder "Mph.. Pl..Please f-fuck me till I can't walk...~" Nightmare moaned out.
Cross pushed in gripping Nightmare's thighs he panted Nightmare teared up, and screamed in pleasure for a while, then the scream turned into loud moans, as he started to pant as well.
Cross thrust faster and panted moaning softly as he held Nightmare's hips down he huffed "so tight~"
Nightmare loudly moaned at each thrust. He started to grow close to his release.
"..I'm ..c..close~" He said blushing deeply.
Cross nodded thrusting harder panting close as well he leaned down biting Nightmare's neck as he came
He yelped as Cross bit his neck, then came right after he did and was panting heavily. Cross pulled out and layed beside Nightmare panting... Nightmare covered himself with the blanket.
"..never speak of this.." he said tiredly .
Cross laughed and snuggled up next to Nightmare...
Nightmare surprisingly wrapped an arm around Cross... Cross smiled and soon fell asleep next to Nightmare...
Nightmare fell asleep after a while as well.

Lust x Horror {Sanscest} (Plus Fontcest, Sanscest, & Pappycest Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now