She stood on the edge of the bridge as she slowly blinked all the tears away. Hyerin never learnt how to swim so drowning won't be that hard, would it?
She took a step forward and loudly said "I've been a burden lately, haven't I? I hope after this the burden you've been carrying for 17 years is removed. I hope you're happy now dad." As soon as these words escaped her mouth, she jumped into the deep blue water as if it had waited for her to come.
She crashed with the water body.The memories of her with Jungkook played as a movie in her mind. The water slowly pulled her in and she didn't dare to struggle for oxygen because she knew it was no use. The water slowly took her into it's depths. After a while, she started loosing consciousness and her eyes slowly closed taking her into the world that was permanent.
Just a little longer° J.J.K
Короткий рассказ"Uhm y-yeah, everything's okay." She forced a smile and tried to make eye contact but didn't as a thought interrupted her actions ,'The bruises would be too visible'