|9| Distraction

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I woke up in a very well lit room, my head hurts from last night. Though I did not drink as much as Justin. "Shit! Justin!" I say in my head. I slowly turn around in the bed to see his back facing me. I release my breath I was holding in, my last thought kept popping up in my head, but then I shook it off because it was silly. Justin is just a sensitive person when he gets drunk...I think. I carefully get out of the bed and slip on the pants I had on last night. I walked downstairs with my laptop and checked all of the emails and responded to whoever needed the most attention.  I left Justin to himself in the guest bedroom, I don't know if he's a morning person or not, plus I didn't want to wake him up by making loud noise in the kitchen.

"Good morning." He yawned walking down the stairs with his arms stretched out on both sides. "Morning." I smile and go back to typing. Justin walks over to the fridge and pours himself a glass of water. "How bad was I last night?"
"Not too bad, you were starting to get lost. So I dragged you out the party and took you home." I grinned. "Did I try anything on you? I only ask because I ended up in your bedroom." Justin scratched the back of his neck. I slowly shook my head, he looked worried, like this has happened before. "I mean you wanted me to lay down with you. That was it." I shrugged, Justin stared at his hands. "Nothing tops you running in the middle of the street yelling, 'I'm free' that made my night." I chuckle softly. A smile appeared on his face, "I'm sorry about me trying to get you to lay with me."

I waved him off, "Nothing happened so it's okay." I placed my hand on top of his, "I have to say one thing though."
"What's that?"
"You are a very lovey dovey person when you're drunk." I giggled. "All you want to do is cuddle." Justin laughed, "Of course I did."
Our conversation dies down and I go back to checking Justin's schedules and going over event things. I come across an email from Scooter, he wanted to discuss some things about Raye to us. When I read it it didn't sound like any good news was going to come out of it. Scooter wanted to met with us at his office again to discuss what he thought about Raye.

As we were about to leave the house my Dad calls me. "Weird he only calls me if somethings really wrong." I told myself. My heart was beating rapidly, I wasn't sure what he was going to say  on the other line. I answer the phone and wait for him to respond to my greeting.

"We need to talk about your Mother."
That was all he said and then hung up on me, tears began to form in my eyes. Justin noticed and we stopped walking towards the car.
"What happened?" He urgently searched my eyes. I didn't want to spill my life all on him, I feel that he doesn't need to know, plus he's my boss so it'd be inappropriate to do so. "It's nothing. Or its something, I just can't discuss it with you." I gave a half smile, he simply nodded and continued to the car.


"I looked into Raye." Scooter started off. I nodded, making him think that I was paying attention. My mind was to focused on my family, this talk could possibly be the end of us. It's hard to be happy when you have personal things that are bringing you down and taking your mind off of work.
"Ms. Clark?" Scooter's voice snapped me out of thought. "Yes? Sorry, I have a lot going on right now." I forced a grin, Scooter was unamused by my excuse. "You and me both. That's besides the point." He paused and pushed papers in front of me. "Ms. Clark, I know that Raye is a close friend and I know that you know what the policy is about having a close relative or friend working by your side." Scooter raised his eyebrows, I nodded, grabbing the piece paper. "But because you didn't recommend her to me and Justin did, kinda, her working along side you doesn't break the policy."

I sat there looking at Scooter waiting for him to continue.
"So does she get to be my stylist or no?" Justin asked. "What do you think?" Scooter raised an eyebrow towards us. "I need her to sign those papers. I'm sure you signed something like this Ms. Clark so you can give her the run down."
"Yes, I will do that." I grinned and looked at Justin.
"She can start right when you give me back those papers." Scooter said standing up and walking to his office door. "I have other things to get done, so I'll see you both later." He smiled before disappearing out the room.
"This is great!" Justin smiled widely. He was right it was great, but I wasn't focused on the good at the moment. "Sienna?" My eyes fluttered over to his. "Are you okay?"
I shook my head and proceeded to tell him everything that has been happening.


"Thank you, Justin. I'm sorry."
"Family first." He smiled and walked into his house and I drove to mine.
I pulled up to my house and then a police car park behind me.
"This is how I die." I said to myself, I stayed in the car and watched the officer's body movement. He was headed towards my house, I gathered my things and got out my car and followed him.
"Excuse me." I say walking past him to open the door. Before I could ask why he was here, my Dad came to the door and let the officer in.
"Come in. Sienna this is Officer Kane, he's here to talk to us about your Mom."

I sat down on the couch and waited for them to sit down.
"I'll make this as fast as possible." Officer Kane folded his hands together. "We ran those finger prints. Turns out they were her's and some guy that goes by Gavin Reins. Does that ring a bell?" I shook my head.
"Yes." My dad ran his hands down his face. "He's my brother."

June 20,2018
Words: 1086

The love and romance is coming!! Everything needs a build up.
Hope you like the chapter! Make sure you vote for it!!

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