|14| Distraction

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Walking into Justin's house felt weird. I felt like I had no right to be here. As I start walk up the stairs, Justin appears out of his room.
"Morning." He smiled, I smiled back, but it quickly faded. "Justin I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have done what I did. I don't feel right be-"
He cut me off. "Like I said last night. It's fine and you do belong here." I shook my head, "I violated everything about this job yesterday. I can't."
Justin didn't say a word to me, he just stared at me. "Justin?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just thinking." He closed his eyes for a brief moment. "Just know that you have every reason to still be here." He walked past me down the stairs.

"Why doesn't he want to get rid of me?"
Was the question that kept being recited in my head. That was until Raye came over to gather Justin's measurements.
I went to let her in the house and followed my guidelines as an assistant. Though she is my friend, I still have to act like she isn't. Justin says he doesn't care how I act around her, but I do.
"Let me go get him." I told her as she plopped down on his couch.
I quickly ran upstairs, knocking on his bedroom door. "Justin. Raye's here to measure you."
"I'm coming." His voice was muffled from his door being closed. I headed back down and made myself comfortable on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Raye asked. I must've looked terrified in a way. I never told her about the incident that went on. I'm sure if I did tell her she would be trying to fight Hailey and I can't let her risk her job like I did.
"Yeah. I'm just thinking about somethings that I have to go over later."
She nodded, but I don't think she bought the lie I told.

Moments later Justin appears from his room. "Sorry I had to finish getting dressed." He smiled. Raye shook her head, "I don't know what for." She chuckled. "I have to take precise ones today, so that means strip." She snapped her fingers. He hesitated to do what she asked. I sat there chuckling at the situation. "She means take all of it off...Well not all of it."
Justin then did as Raye told, revealing all his chest tattoos. It was one thing seeing them through pictures, but seeing them in real time was so different.
I should be used to seeing him shirtless, but every time it happens it still feels like a dream.
I sat on the couch and watched Raye take measuring tape and wrapped it around Justin.

"So Justin." Raye started. "I wanted to know what type of style you like. I see you in a lot of baggy stuff lately, but what other style do you want?"
He shrugged, "Never thought of anything else. So whatever you think is good for me to wear will be fine." He grinned, Raye nodded and wrapped up her measuring tape. In that exact same moment, Hailey walked into the house.
"What the hell is going on?!" She yelled walking towards us.
From my thoughts, I'm sure she thinks we are about to have a threesome. Something I could never do. Though it did look like something was about to happen. "Hailey, what are you doing her?" He asked stepping back from Raye.

"I came to apologize about my actions. I guess I'll just come back after you're done getting pleased." She rolled her eyes and began to walk out the house.
Justin started to walk towards her. I grabbed his arm and went instead. "Hailey wait!" I called out. She was already half way in her car. "What you saw back there was nothing. Raye is collecting his measurements."
"So he had to be almost completely naked?!" She started to get loud again. I quickly shook my head. "Raye likes to make sure she doesn't have the wrong numbers. She precise with her work. She even asked me to get half naked." I chuckled a little. "Are you lying to me?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Raye is my friend. So no I'm not lying, I'd never lie to anyone in my life. That includes you."

"Even after all the shit I said about you?"
I nodded, "And I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have done what I've done."
Hailey waved me off, "I started it. I've ruined everything for the past couple of years with Justin. I'm tired of ruining his life."
I cocked my head in confusion, "Ruined?"
She nodded, "His past assistants. I was hard on them, I'd start things with them. Mostly to see how they strong they were."

This is where everything began to make sense. Tonia told me about his other assistants leaving because of "personal" issues. It was because of Hailey.

"I made them feel like shit. And I know last night that's how I made you feel. I'm so sorry about that."
"I wasn't going to come in today." I blankly looked at her. "Why?"
"Why?" I asked her back. "Because I violated my contract. I called Justin last night to tell him, but he insisted that I stay."
"He's never called one of his assistants to stay." She looked shocked. More than when she walked in the house a couple minutes ago.
"I didn't want to come in to face him. But you. Though I hate whenever you walk in the door. I'm not scared to face you." I took a step closer as if I was about to lay my hand in her face. "Thank you for the apology Hailey, but this little reign has to stop." I felt my face heat up.
"I'll go end it." She spoke up. We both walked together back to the house.

We walked in. Raye with her bag on her shoulder and Justin fully clothed again. I looked at Hailey and then back to Justin.

"Justin I'm sorry."

August 15, 2018
Words: 1014

Part 2 of the apology next👉🏾

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