Lunch time drama

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Lacey walked over to our table and stopped. she looked around to see who was sitting there. she finally spoke but it seemed to be directed to Charlie. "Charlie why did you switch tables there is no room for us here" she whined. I looked at Charlie and mouth "go" to him but he shakes his head. Lacey I'm sitting with Meryl since she's new and hasn't meet anyone.

"But Charlie!" Lacey whined

My head was ready to exploded her voice was giving me a headache. I truly didn't understand how people put up with her and aren't ready to rip there own hair out. I was two seconds away from banishing Charlie from my table. as I was about to tell Charlie to leave it surprised me when tucker spoke up.

"Lacey clearly there is no room for you here, so why don't you do use all a favor by taking you and your groupies somewhere else since none of use plan on moving."

The look on her face when tucker said that made my day. she stormed off stomping her foot and her groupies chased after her. I release the laughter I've was holding. the rest of the table was laughing except Charlie. he was faking his laugh. ignored my thought and turned to tucker. gave him a big hug and cheered him on no doubtably expanding his ego but what he did deserved praise. we finished eating and talked. when the bell rang signaling lunch was over I walked with tuck back to my next class. car was flirting with john the made a cute couple but the both were a little shy. and Charlie was acting strange. tuck put his arm around my shoulder in a friend way. he was talking about some party that was happening this weekend and how we could make it my welcoming party. Charlie finally spoke up say that I couldn't go and how we have pratice. john spoke up saying "weren't you planning on going to with Lacey?" Charlie glared a john, john had realize that he shouldn't have said that. Me:Charlie if you go why can't I go

Charlie: because...

Me: because what?

Charlie: we'll talk about this later

Me: let's talk about it now

Charlie: no

Me: fine

I turned to tucker and told him I was going and walked away. Tucker called down the hallway saying he would picking me up after practice. Charlie then called saying if I was going he would take me. I honestly didn't care who picked me but I knew my conversation with Charlie was far from over.

So what do you think?? do you like it so far. any suggestions you would like to add or a type of character or scene stuff like just leave a comment

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