Chapter 1~

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    The leaves fell softly to the ground, indicating the begining of a new hibornation. Fall is a lovely time of year. Especially the beging, see all the beautiful colors. The cool breze, finally feeling its way back into the world and flowing through her hair. Her beautiful hair. Her..she was beautiful.

      She didn't see what the others saw in her. Something stuning and amazing. Y/N~ that poor girl. Only she saw the world for how beautiful it was, yet she could not see the beauty she held as her own. Upseting, is it not?

       As much as she feared the world and the people on it, she could still see the beauty in all of it. Truly a gift. She lives on a hilltop, far from man kind and far away from the rest of the world. the creative girl would day dream for hpurs and hours on end. pondering the existent of all the living things on this earth, and maybe even some that could be farther away from the earth.

       This place, with these "people", is a place that she would give up anything to go there. As exciting as it sounds, its upsetting. As this place is mearly part of her imagination. She based he whole life on her imaginary world, and sometimes even imagined herself as a different person. A different person from a different side of the world, the universe, or even beyond. Sometimes, she felt like she was not even herslf...

      Every day she roamed her land around her her house, keeping it tidey. Keeping it neat, this keeping her quiet. She loses herself in her own mind as she tends to her garden. She was always a quiet, peacful girl. No need for conflict, no need for hardships, no need for people.


     Gods, thats who they were. Powerful, Strong, Imortal....and very childish gods. No time for work. Only play. Its upseting to thier parents, a "dissapointment" as you could say. They were worlds apart from the rest of their family. And by worlds, more like glaxies.

~"You should go and find things to do up hear! A hobby or a good habit, something other then watching the mortals going through their everyday lives. Maybe instead of watching them, you can get a life of your owns!"

     They would always say, but it never worked. A finger always slipped through all of thier clenched fits, indicating that that they did not agree with their parents wishes

~"But the mortals are funny! Look at them, look how great they must have it!"

     would chime the eldest, Jin. The god of love and trustworthyness. he could never be able to tell a lie, it would hurt him to much

~"I agree! Look at all those facenating creatures! Its as if they have no cares in the world!"

     Would say the next, Namjoon. The god of Wisdome and Light. He knows everything, every page in any book. Any typo in any passages. Anything, he would answer anything.

~"Look at all those little fuckin things! Who wouldnt be interested in something like this?"

      The next says calmly, Yoongi. The god of Myths and Death. His heart is soaked deeply in darkness, and has been like that since he was young. His parents didnt want to give up on him, so he stayed with the family and grew up to be who he is today. shh, its a secret to most.

       The next simply nods, Jimin. The god of the Pegasus and the Future. He is shy, but holds a very mighty power, one that would be hard to weild by any normal god, and of corce never a human. The power would be to strong, and shock ones self for life.

~"Yes! I would love to meet them one day!"

       Says the next bubly and bright, Hoseok. He is the god of Light, Happiness and well...hope. he works to show people the good in life. Shows people a reason to smile every day and wake up thw next morning. Hes the good thoughts that fill your head when awake and the good dreams the keep you asleep at night.

        The next claps excitedly, but thats about it. Their youngest, Jungkook. He is the gos of the Wariors and Strength. As cute as his face looks, he has a toned body. he is extremly strong and never gets tired. He is there for everyone.

~"Well, you guys do know that I have- NO!!!!!" He was quickly interupted by his parents. The boy that was inturupted was Taehyung. He wasnt the god of anything specifically, but he had a power that no god had ever had before. Tne power of turning people human. They would have done this a while ago, if Taehyung wansnt scared.

       No god or godess had ever had or heard of this power, it was new ro everyone. They were scared, and so was Tae. He had no idea how to use it or what to do with it. He was scared it would hurts someone, but you cant really say if something is true without doing it, now can you?♡


this is the first part and there will obviously be more.
Trust me, this is only the begining.
i hope that you like it so far, i work hard on it and im really
tired rn and i feel high. if u didnt like it, then tell me why
i would love to get feedback!
anyways ima pass out now ok bai!!~~

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