What is a Star seed?

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                          A Star seed is an individual who exist on the Earth in a three dimensional body, but their soul originated from another planet, star system, galaxy, dimension or parallel universe. Most star seeds are born on Earth with no knowledge of who they are, where they came from and why they are here. They are usually sent here to complete a mission or are here for a specific purpose. The first goal of a star seed is to remember their purpose, which is often to help humanity one way or another. The star seed awakening can be triggered by the 11:11 synchronicity. 

             Most star seeds are experiencing Earth for the first time and have trouble adjusting to it which causes a sense of alienation in their lives. Many star seeds feel different from other people and feel out of place. They long to go home only they don't know where home is. Some star seeds may have incarnated on Earth before which makes remembering their purpose harder because they have become accustomed to human energy.

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