Dear Drunk Horny Man, That Was So Not Cool

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Please don't copy(: And remember this is a FAN-FIC not an actual book about 1D and everything they've ever done(: 

© 2012 by xXMeikyuuButterflyXx. All rights reserved.


“Hey Chloe, hurry it up! Your name is Chloe right?” The drunken man with a beer belly slurred while obviously checking me out. No pervert, it’s my fake name. I rolled my eyes as he could only keep his interest on one subject at a time and gets bored with things easily. Sadly, that wasn’t applied to me. I had been his ‘entertainment’ for past half an hour and I already wanted to kill myself.

            “Of course, babe.” I smiled at him. He nodded not even looking at me; instead his attention was on my outfit. You see, I work in this shady strip/bar club called Blackout. And no, I’m not one of the strippers, but I minus well be the way these guys look at me. Ugh, I disgust myself. But, beggars can’t be choosers. I wouldn’t even be here if I didn’t have to. I hate using the word ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ too, but hey, whatever these drunks want to be called.

            “How about a lap dance, eh?” The man asked as he eyed my chest as I served his fifth shot of vodka. Of course, with the whole strip joint package, also comes with the skimpy outfit. I was currently wearing a purple sparkly top that minus well just be a bra, and skirt so short you can almost see the thong I’m wearing if I bend over.

            “Sorry hun, but that costs you money, and you obviously don’t have anymore.” I told him, pointedly eyeing his empty wallet on the table.

            “I’ll pay you later, now come here.” I had to strain to actually understand what he was saying but with experience I can now almost completely speak drunk.

            He forcefully grabbed me by my hips and I tried to move away but he wouldn’t let go “Come on sexy, let’s have some fun.” He grinned at me as if he was just asking me to pass him the salt.

            “I said no.” I said sternly.

            He grabbed my arm now and violently pulled me close to me “If you don’t come with me, I’m just going to have to take you by force.” He threatened. I winced as he squeezed my arm, making a point.

            “Let go of me.” I said a little louder.

            “Look bitch, I--”

            “Is there problem here?” A voice called sounding intimidating.

            “Nothing at all sir, I was just--” Creepy, violent guy started.

            “Actually,” I interrupted, glaring at him “This man threatened me to go with him and was manhandling me.” I stated to Mason, one of the bodyguards here.  

            “I’m going to have to ask you do get the hell out of here.” Mason said, not even in an asking tone. He grabbed the man violently forcing him out of the club muttering something to him about not being able to touch the girls unless we’re willingly giving the service.

            When Mason came back he smiled at me “Popular tonight are we?” Mason was a big built guy around the age of 27 and he was incredibly nice. And intimidating if you got him mad. He was almost always the one who got us girl out of trouble when there were cases like the drunken idiot just now.

            “Ha ha, very funny.” I said sarcastically “But thanks though.” I smiled at him gratefully while fixing around my top that the idiot had moved. “Mason, eyes up here.” I said while still looking at my top trying to get it how I wanted it. Mason may be the nicest and most protective of us girls bodyguard here, but he was still a single young man and thus, he checked us out too.

            He smiled sheepishly at me “Sorry, Chloe.”

            I rolled my eyes but smiled none the less “Walk me to my car?” I asked and he nodded. My shift was already over so I was free to leave. I hated walking through the parking lot alone, especially since I, technically, was a stripper. I could get raped, mugged, or kidnapped. Which, mind you, doesn’t sound very appealing at the moment.


             I turned off my car, but still sat there staring at the small tiny house I call home. It wasn’t very much and it was odd. But it had been on sale for a reasonable price because nobody wanted an odd looking house. I mean, for outsiders, this may seem like a way cool place. But once you live in it, it isn’t very comfortable because of all the glass. But it was cheap and that’s all I care about. It had two floors and almost the whole top floor had glass walls so it was completely see through, it also had a small bedroom and bathroom there too. The bottom part was the part that wasn’t completely visible and thus causing an invasion of personal life. That’s where a decent sized kitchen and two medium sized bedrooms were located. It wasn’t very big and fancy, but it was still my home.

            “Kyle, I’m home!” I called to my little brother of 5 years as I walked up the stairs. Yes, my little brother. It wasn’t that my parents weren’t home, no, it was that they weren’t here, period.

            “Jaz!” he cried and ran up to me and I kneeled down to give him a hug. “How was your day, Kyle.” I smiled a him.

            “It was great. Mikey and I found a turtle in his yard!” He exclaimed with wide eyes.

            “Did you now?” I smiled as sat down on the white couch. The whole second floor was basically a huge living room and everything was white here. It was calming and I loved it. Plus, Kyle never really made a mess here.

            “Yes!” he cried with excitement clear in his voice “But then-but then it got away!” He gasped. Kyle has had a slight stutter problem for the past two years; I’m hoping it’ll go away in time.

            Kyle proceeded to tell me about his day at his best friend’s house as we headed down the stairs and I started cooking him some breakfast for dinner. I really loved when he was this happy; we really have come a long way since our parents.

             After dinner, we watched Finding Nemo where Kyle fell asleep on my lap so I had to carry him to his room. You would think a person my age should be worrying about boys, dating, and partying instead of work, money, and more work. But sadly, I worry about those things which means I have shit of stuff to worry about which surely isn’t good for my health.

            After washing the used dishes and tiding up a bit I made my way to my bedroom. I lay on my bed staring at my white ceiling and somehow finding shapes in it. My room wasn’t very fancy. I had posters all over the wall and some things littered around my vanity, a typical girls room.

            I sometimes wonder what would have happened if my parents hadn’t left us. If they had loved us enough to stay, what would I be doing right now? Would I be a huge bitch who didn’t even want to associate with her family? Or would we have been a big happy family? With, who knows, another sister?

            I shook my head and laid on my side. No use dwelling in what could have been. What’s done is done and there’s nothing I can do about it. I closed my eyes in hope of sleep to come. After all I have to work in the morning. After several glares at some suspicious looking shadows in my room I finally fell when I turned on a small night light. That thing always helps me.


Yes, I know it's lame, boring, and slow BUT it's just the first chapter and all books start like and well yea give it a chance! :D Please comment and stuff and whatever you guys do on here! :D It shall get better!! I'll update every Tuesday ;D Support me please!(: I'll hopefully see you guys Tuesday(: Picture of Jaz's house on the side :'D P.S. check out my I Know You! (Gaara Love Story)(:


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