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“Should I order some pizza?”


            “Should I order some donuts?”


            “Should I order some fried chicken?”


            “Should I order mineral water from the fresh and cool Japanese Mountains of the Himalaya’s River Italian City?”
            “N--What?! That doesn’t even make sense!”

            I sighed, “Fine.” Sir Louis and I were currently siting in my spacious white living room as we waited for the other boys to come up. I had decided to gather everyone up and just spit it out but I needed some help with snacks so that they wouldn’t be too mad, and Louis wasn’t being a big help. The boys had been girls and had to go change into some sweats and shorts before actually being comfortable around the house.

            “Here we are!” Niall grinned as he plopped himself next to me. Everyone else sat down too smiling and having a good time. I hesitantly smiled at Niall, oh great let me be the one who ruins everyone’s happy mood. “So what did you want to talk about?” Liam smiled at me.

            “Um,” great suddenly speechless I see “You see, there’s this uh, person and, um,” I stopped and all of them were looking at me attentively. Its okay, I reminded myself, I can trust these guys, and they seem like good lads! Even though I haven’t even known them for a week… Why am I explaining myself to them?!

            I took a deep breath and began. “You guys know Jason already right? What do you think of him?”

            Harry, Liam, and Zayn shrugged. “He seems pretty cool.” Niall answered and Louis just stared at him. Tough crowd.

            “Well you see I actually happen to have--”

            “She’s been sneaking around with that Jason guy all along!”

            “Louis!” I stood there with my mouth open and eyes wide in shock.

            He suddenly looked more alert “I…don’t know where that came from…”

            I glared at him but sighed, it was going to have to be said sooner or later, and I preferably would have wanted it to be later but apparently I can’t have it my way.

            Everyone started talking all at once and for some reason, I couldn’t figure out why they were making such a big deal out of it. I barely knew these guys! Yes I’ve come to like them a lot, my I just memorized their names, and they shouldn’t be that caring over me! Right?

            I yelled over them to sit back down. “This has been going on for a while okay guys? I think it started about freshmen year. And it’s not even like we’re cheating on anybody because neither of us have a boyfriend or girlfriend! Besides we agreed to call it quits immediately if either of us did find someone special and…” about an hour later I was sitting alone in my living room. Harry and Louis had gone back to the bedroom because they had to think about forgiving me, Liam decided he wanted to give me some alone time to think and Niall had been taken by Liam.

            My eyes felt really heavy, almost like I was sleepy but I knew it was because I felt like crying. I couldn’t stand to look at them anymore because I felt like a slut. How can I tell them about my job when they’ve probably already view me differently just because of this? I felt someone sit next to me. “Hey.” Zayn.


            He nudged me with his elbow, “They’ll get over it you know?” 

            I lay my head on his shoulder, I liked that the guys were taller than me, most weren’t. “It won’t be the same.”

            He shifted a little “You know, I find it weird how we came to care so much about you in just 2 days.”
            “You’re telling me.”
            He chuckled “But be because you’re so open with your personality and don’t hold any secrets…beside that Jason thing. I don’t really think we have the right to be demanding why you’re with him and why you’re doing it because we don’t really know each other. But I care about you Jasmine and just make sure you know what you’re doing.”

            I bit my tongue and held back the remark I wanted to make. I know what I’m doing. Zayn stood up and went towards the stairs that led to roof of the house. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket and lit one up. My eyebrows raised in surprise at the thought that he smoked. Weren’t bands like One Direction supposed to be all goody goody and stuff? What?

            He smiled at me warily “Sorry.”

            “It’s okay I’m just surprised.” I admitted.

            I walked towards him and we both went to the roof of the house and just stared at the night sky which was rid of stars and clouds. And I couldn’t help but notice how hot Zayn looked in his black t-shirt and jeans when he smoked while staring up at the sky.


Ah I've been super busy!! D:
But I had time to waste right now so I wrote what I could in my free time :'D


  But besides that I would love to ask a favor of all of you):
If any of you like Vocaloid and MMD and stuff like that or you just want to support your lovely writer then keep on reading:D 

Please help me out with my Youtube and Deviant art channel!! I've barely started them but I would really love to get at least a little know for my stuff so if you guys could go and watch and comment that would be amazing (make sure to tell you read my story so I know) and if you guys could promote me or something that would be awesome!!! :D 

Youtube: xXLovelessMurdererXx

Deviant Art: xXMeikyuuXx

I now you guys don't really comment and stuff with my stories but that's okay but I do really really really would love your loveley readers to help me out with this, I've put one of my youtube videos in the side  ^.^


- xXMeikyuuButterflyXx   <3

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