pass me by chapter 6- i can see through you

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I do not own anything you recognise :) even though i wish i did :(

~~~ No ones POV~~~

riker- maia ross has been acting weird since we got here can you and rydel go see what's going on I'll be with the guys and zendaya bella is on the phone with her boyfriend in the hotel

maia- sure I'll get rydel *yells* RYDEL!

riker- gosh maia *rubs ears* couldn't you just walk over to her?

maia- couldn't you of asked ross yourself?

riker- oh shut up and go ask him

maia- ok im going im going *walks over to rydel*

rydel- what's up?

maia- oh nothing riker wants us to check on ross cuz hes been acting weird since we got here

rydel- ross is always weirs

maia- i think he ment weirder than usual

rydel- alright lets go

*both walk over to ross*

rydel- ok ross spill the beans

maia- ye spill the beans

rydel- you dont have to copy me

maia- ye... Oops sorry

ross- what are you talking about

rydel- you've been giving parker and Laura the death look since we got here so spill

ross- *in a high unconvincing voice* whaaaaaaaaaat no i haven't

maia- even i've noticed

ross- how do i know youre not jealous that i might like Laura and not you

maia- cause i have a boyfriend

ross- oh

rydel- any who ross youre my little brother i can see right through you and i know you like like laura

maia- eeeep! You like like Laura awww i just love love

ross- *again high and unconvincingly* pssh whaaat no i dont

rydel- ross *looks at him knowingly*

maia- ok even i can tell that was a lie and this is my first time talking to you

ross- fine i like Laura *looks down*

maia- awwww

rydel- no not aww i cant believe you like one of my friends ross you have no respect for girls what so ever and Laura is delicate

ross- shes got a boyfriend anyway rydel

rydel- look ross i told Laura she cant date any of my brother because i knew youd want her

maia- hey! Why wouldn't he like me?

ross- even i can answer that you're way to loud

maia- least i talk to people instead of being a downer

rydel- shut up

ross- look rydel i know i brake girls hearts a lot but i don't know there is just something about Laura that no other girl has

rydel- aw.... Well ok... Go talk to her

ross- i can't i have no idea what to say

rydel- wow you must like her cant talk to her you used to be able to talk to any girl and have her wrapped around your finger in seconds you know before the whole having enough of you thing

ross- dont remind me

maia- *laughs* no wonder the girls don't like you

ross- hey!

rydel- come on maia *walks to riker*

maia- byee *winks at ross*

ross- eh bye... "weirded out*

riker- so what was wrong with him

rydel- he just has a crush on laur

maia- who's Laur?

rydel and riker look at her confused

maia- oh you mean Laura ye i got you

riker- anyway... Oh man that's tough liking a girl that's taken waif you mean like her not ross like her right?

rydel- ye he cant even talk to her

riker- oh wow i should of known hes my little brother i can normally see right through him

so that's it aw rydel had a change of heart! Maia winked at ross! :o i wonder why? Find out in next chapter

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