Chapter One

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Aphmau POV

The sun was beating down on me, as I looked over at the vast expanse of water. The trip was nearly half over. I didn't tell Garroth or Dante I was coming here... Come to think of it... the only people I told are the people who are currently with me, so Lucinda and Lo. I didn't want to keep it from my friends, but I knew if I had told them where I planed on going, they would have refused to let me go. I needed answers, and I need them now. Though both Lucinda and Lo believe that everyone back home knows of where we are heading, I hate to lie... But I also know that if they had found out I kept this trip secret that they would have refused too.

I'm already well aware of the fact that I'm going to get a firm lecture when I return to Phoenix Drop. But I'll worry about that when the time comes. Right now, I need to find out about my past, and Irene's past. If Memphia knew Irene, I need to go where she was. And since she eventually went to Tu'La, I need to follow any possible leads that might be here, even though this puts me directly into harms way. I did wonder if I would run into Vylad at all on this trip. I hoped not... I know he wouldn't buy my fib as easy as Lucinda and Lo did. Especially if he went back to Ru'aun and brought the news back to Phoenix Drop. They would be dragging us back so fast, and that is the last thing I need, I wouldn't find the answers I seek if they did that. I was also missing my children. I knew Levin and Malachi would be okay on their own. They are both adults. But this was the longest I had been away from Alina and Lilith, and it made my heart hurt....

I need to stop thinking about it... I'll think about that later. By the time I had come out of my own thoughts I looked out and saw a land mass starting to come up in the distance, as well as a very well manicured hand waving in front of my face. "Hello? Earth to Aphmau?"  I looked over at a very annoyed Lucinda. The sass meter was going off the charts just by looking at her face. "Sorry Lucinda, spaced out there."

"What had you so zoned out? I was trying to get your attention for nearly ten minutes!"
"I was just thinking about my kids.. I really miss them.." It wasn't a total lie. I did miss my children, but it wasn't the whole truth either. I was also concerned about what would be said to me when I returned, especially by my boys... Since the time we came back from the Irene dimension four years ago, Levin in particular had clung to me more then when he was younger. Malachai clung to me too, but he was also 900 years old by the time I came into his life.

But I was also aware of how he would likely scold me. He wouldn't want to lose me again. I was thankful that Garroth was with Lilith and Alina. Within a few moments we had pulled off into a highly treed area, and were disembarking off of the ship. We didn't want to wander into any settlements on the first day. We wanted to take this time to figure out our story, as well as figure out where in Tu'La we had landed.

Turns out this had been one of the reasons for Lucinda trying to get my attention on the boat. By the time our camp was set up and we were relaxing as much as we could, we had figured out our general story to tell any people who asked us when we did start wandering into towns. I didn't tell them, but I was so hoping that that one lord hadn't made good on her threat to give the king of Tu'La a photo of me. The last thing we needed was for them to know who I was and to take me into custody because of it.

We all had decided that when we do start to explore, that the best option was in and out. We didn't want to spend more time here then absolutely needed. Just get the information we came for, then go home. Likely back to Enki's Library to see if I had any more memory triggers. I needed to find out all I could about Irene.

We were now quietly eating. I was still to buried in my thoughts to be of any use in general conversation, so Lucinda and Lo were keeping each other busy by talking. That's when we heard it. A twig snap from behind me. Before I could react and pull Aaron's sword out Lucinda had her staff out and was standing in the way of the sound and me. She was casting a spell of some sort.

The other persons reaction shocked me. They came flying out of the trees holding a blade to Lucinda's neck before she could complete her incantation. I burst into action then, pulling Aaron's sword out. But before I advanced and attacked the stranger, it dawned on me who said stranger was....


He then turned, shocked to here my voice in this place.

"Aphmau? What in the world are you doing here?!"

-End of chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this! This is the start of My MCD fanfic. I'm still not 100% sure on what the direction I take on this fanfic is going to be. But as always, I'm sorry for the months worth of update silence. Writers block has seemingly left me for now so I'll try to update as much as I can until it comes back!!-

Love you all!

Cura94 out!

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