Chapter 3

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Photo of Reva Herna


                    "The true friend is the one coming in the door while everyone else is going out"

                                             - Dr. Phil McGraw



Adriel's POV

I walked to the park, and when I made it, I saw Alex and Aelin. Reva hasn't made it yet. I walked up to the with a grim look. I noticed Alex was also upset about something. We were all wearing the charms that Reva got. They were each different and had only ONE charm.

Alex had the pine cone. Aelin has an angel wing. I have a compass. And Reva has a tree. She never told us why she gave us these. She just did. She did say that they each held a meaning.

About eight minutes later, Reva came smiling brightly. For some reason, we all smiled back at her besides our mood. She saw me and Alex's faces and her smile faltered. She looked at Aelin, and they both nodded. She looked at Alex first, "Tell. Alex, go first" she sat down on the grass and we followed. When we all sat down on the grass, Alex said, "My dads taking my dog to the pound." We all hugged her and said our sorry. Then Aelin looked to me and said, "Now you talk." I so quietly said, "My uncle died of suicide." They were all shocked. But then they hugged me so tight, I was sure I lost circulation. They didn't say sorry, because that wouldn't change anything.

"Let's go do something." Reva said. We all looked at her curiously and cautiously. Then we nodded. She smirked and stood up.

Aelin's POV

I was reluctant to say yes. But I did anyways. We needed something to get rid of the sadness. And Reva could possibly do just that with her crazy personality. We stood up and Reva started walking in the direction of Fine Arts Academy. I raised an eyebrow then smiled huge. We all looked at each other and ran to catch up to her. "Why are we going to Fine Arts?" She looked at us and smiled faintly. "Because this is where it all began." We all stopped walking to stare at this crazy girl. "We can't go there! We'll get caught!!" I said, she smirked and said, "That's the point. The adrenaline is what we need right now." I shook my head but laughed it off and let her continue.


We reached the old school where we met. We all smiled at each other, and Reva continued on her walk. We stopped at the side of the two-story orange pink brick school. The white words on the wall reading 'Fine Arts Academy'.

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