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"Winning isn't everything. Its the only thing."


This is it. The huge brown main building in the middle of the university campus surrounded by plants and trees, and some students sprawled on the warm grass. It's crazy that it's the last year of university, because for her, it feels like it's only been some days since she was a freshman in this new college life, taking her first steps in becoming an adult.

As she continues to walk towards the enormous glass doors of the building, she feels the stares of all the students around her like daggers aimed directly at her, but she has gotten used to it throughout the years.

It's that one factor about her that makes everyone fall into whatever trap she has set up, and you know you're done for when you fall right into the trap. That factor is her mysterious aura; it surrounds her like a glass bubble. Glass is fragile and easy to break, but it hurts like hell when you break it, which is exactly what would happen if anyone decided to be an obstacle in her road to success.

Not only is she considered an enigmatic person, but one can also describe her in this generic yet detailed way. It's as simple as a prey and predator situation, where she's the intelligent predator capturing the prey in more ways than one.


"It's the last first day! Aren't you excited?" Her best friend, Lizzie, speaks up as they're waiting in line to get their schedules from the front desk. Sure, she's excited to begin her senior year in university, but she's far more excited to begin something else.

"If you mean excited for some new competitions I can win, then yes." She takes a few steps forward, running her fingers through her hair, making it messy, "I don't want to ruin my reputation just because we're graduating this year."

"Ah, right. I forgot what your intentions are for this year. Do whatever you want, girl, but don't forget to have some fun. You'll regret it if you don't."

She ponders about the intentions her red-haired best friend mentions, making an imaginary list of bullet-points in her head. Everyone knows her what her so-called 'intentions' are: win at everything.

It's never changed, and its never going to ever change; her goal in life has been winning for as long as she can remember. Winning in all its forms and ways, whether that being actual organized competitions, or keeping her title as the top student of her year. It ran in her blood fluidly and she couldn't control it.

Some people have problems with controlling their lust, others have problems controlling themselves when doing something stupid like getting drunk when they know it's wrong, but she loses control when it comes to something else, and it scares her more than anything. She hates losing control to begin with, as her life is basically ruled with control; if she stumbles upon something she has no control over, it would mean that her life is over, everything closing in around her as she feels her body shrink in so-called panic.

But she's far from ever losing control, and if she hypothetically does, it would definitely be over a competition she loses. It's impossible for her to ever lose, and that's a fact everyone in this university knows, except for one person who seems to be ignoring all the continuous commotion surrounding her and her titles.

Little did she know that that person is right in front of her, waiting for their schedule just like everybody else.

He, though, is a completely different story. Instead of being someone who everyone wants to know about, he's a person that everybody already knows about. He's the main character of every story, especially this one.

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