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  "The secret to winning is constant, consistent management." 


To say that Sebastian was shocked to receive a slamming door in his face as a greeting is an understatement. Amber was quick to act and closed the oak door in his face, not sure what came over her. Maybe it was the fear of being caught in the act- if he even caught a glimpse of Lizzie's wide laptop screen, he would know the two girls were up to something, which is something that clearly concerned him, as Sebastian's handsome face was all over it. However, Amber didn't give him the chance to even step inside the dorm room.

It was only a few seconds later that her actions begun to sink in, making her eyes go wide with humiliation.

I just hurled the door in front of Sebastian Miller's face!

She was sure her face was flaming at this point, the back of her neck and the apples of her round cheeks tinted with a dark red color. This time, she was gentle in her actions, contradicting her previous reflexes of being aggressive. The door's slight opening revealed a very shocked, and somewhat terrified, Sebastian. His eyes were relatively identical to Amber's, in the sense that both pairs were wide in an unsettling jolt of surprise. They both stared at each other in complete silence, until Sebastian's arrogant voice filled the vacant area, his eyes now lit up with the usual fire of playfulness.

"Who knew Amber Lee has the strength to slam a door that hard? I should be honored, to be honest. Damn, how would it feel for you to slap an as-"

If it was physically possible, Amber's eyes grew even bigger at his unnecessary sexual comments, which were highly unappreciated at that moment. This led her to quickly raise her small hands and hover over his lips, careful not to touch them but close enough to feel his warm breath hitting the palm of her hand.

"Don't say that!" She hissed quietly. She took the crinkling skin on the sides of his eyes as a sign for her to remove her hand to see Sebastian's beautiful smile, and realize just how close they both are. If it was measured by a ruler, a few inches would be accurate.

With an awkward cough, they both stepped back and Sebastian finally made sense of Amber's odd behavior. There could only be one explanation for her abnormal awkwardness.

"Wow, Amber. Who knew you would be so obsessed with me only a few months into our friendship? I wouldn't have expected you to stalk me online like that, but that's not what I'm here for. I came to give you this," He was obviously quick to recover from receiving a door slam as a first greeting, and also quick to pick up the reason why Amber got nervous in front of him. How did he know that?

Sebastian's hands extended towards Amber, and she finally took notice of the dark notebook they were holding. It was none other than her Doodle Notebook, something she would call a prized possession. Her cheeks go red in realization as she grabbed the collection of papers from him, hugging them like a lost child. All her thoughts were drawn in there along with random lyric pieces, and her mind can't wrap around the fact she forgot it somewhere.

Before she can say anything else, a thought popped into her head, and she didn't hesitate to say it out loud, "Did you look into it?"

Her gaze held Sebastian's steadily, a hint of anxiety evident in them, but his own had an amused glint.

"Why are you asking? Are you hiding drawings of my naked body from your dreams?" His smirk was clear through his words; it was too great of an opportunity to pass up. The amusement didn't last long as he calculated how Amber was reacting. Her serious expression didn't falter, which made Sebastian suspect something about the major significance this book obviously holds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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