O - My Happiness (Taesung)

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The more time we spent together the more i felt myself depending on him for happiness. Whenever I see Taeseok a smile breaks out on my face. Not just a feelingless one I put on for fansigns, but a real, passionate grin. It scares me how honest I've become...

The strong beam of sunlight slipped through the cracks in my shades, stealing the words right off the tip of my tongue. I stayed still in a daze until I could gather my thoughts. Before I was given the opportunity the light pitter-patter of running feet filled the dorm. The small sounds were followed by a loud THUMP and the creaking of my door swinging open.

After catching his breath and getting off the floor a winded Taeseok gasped, "Hyunjin is making nurungji* do you want honey or sugar?" I lazily shifted my gaze from his adorable bedhead in order to hide my smile. It was so cute how eager he was for breakfast. I shoved the feeling down my throat and choked out an answer.

"Honey is okay for me but why are you-"

I couldn't ask why he was running before a fuming Youngjoon entered the scene. He promptly began scolding Taeseok while looking ridiculous due to the powdered sugar covering his pajamas. I put two and two together and knew immediately why our blue haired rapper was so mad. Taeseok struggled as Youngjoon hoisted him over his shoulder and started toward the kitchen.

"HEY! You can't do this to me! I need my lawyers present!"

Taeseok shouted while stifling a laugh. Youngjoon proceeded to ignore him which only produced several fake pouts from Tae. If I were not in such a predicament as I was now I might have smiled. Unfortunately all I felt was jealousy.

The hilariousness of the situation was one thing, but the fact that Taeseok now was climbing Youngjoon instead of being carried only added to the hilarity. It showed how close the two were which made something twinge in my chest.

I turned right back into bed and huddled in the covers. Self pity wasn't really my thing, but that's almost what i felt at that moment. One sided love isn't easy, but a one sided love with your spunky junior is much harder to bare. Especially when you know there isn't a chance in heaven or hell that you'd be their type. I've never had a crush on a guy before, nevertheless someone so much younger then me. I let out a sigh of defeat. A joyful taunt cleared my mind.

"Yo, hyung you coming or what?"

by: otakii

*nurungji is a korean dish of scorched rice that can be sweet or savory depending on the topping. It's very simple to make since it really is just burnt rice! My favorite way to eat it is with either kkakdugi or with sugar depending on the flavor I crave. 

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