O - You're cute Tae Tae (Taeho)

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"So a fan really gave you this, huh?"

Dongho replied with a curt nod and pleased expression on his face.

"And you want me to wear it for you?"

Taeseok looked up with complete confusion. Dongho had plucked him out of his daily workout at this gym just to bring him back to his apartment and tell him this. That he wanted him to wear a maid costume?

"Think of it as payback for barfing on my pants last weekend. Even worse my poor sweats reeked of soju for three days. You said you'd do anything I told you to do, once, as payment."

The tone of his voice was way too cheerful for this to be a joke.

Taeseok glanced a his boyfriend searching for a bit of mercy. He himself felt no remorse for defiling Dongho's sweatpants. He still hoped for anything but the cold, unmoving stare he was left with. He didn't have a choice, but to relent this time. And so he did. Without even the tiniest look back he snatched the costume and stormed to the bathroom of Dongho's apartment.

With a little difficulty he finally slipped into the outfit. He decided to exempt the stockings because they ripped when he tried to put them on. Taeseok's cocky side almost felt pride in his accomplishment since he almost never wore anything other than hoodies, not his hoodies mind that, and sweatpants.

The outfit was too intricate to be realistic in the slightest. The black dress was almost too short to fit him at all, never mind Dongho. It was a bit suspicious considering a fan gave it to his boyfriend, but it wasn't something he could worry about now. The petticoat was almost completely lace along with the apron that went along with it. The collar of the dress was white and completed with a red bow in the front. The puffy sleeves were almost too clunky for him to move his arms, but he couldn't deny that he looked cute.

Taeseok flushed beat red when the realization hit him. The maid dress. Being alone in his apartment for the first time. The convenient vacation they both suddenly had. What the heck was Dongho into?

He had a mini panic attack inside the bathroom. He couldn't decide whether to take it off or go out there anyways. To a situation he wasn't prepared for in the slightest? No way in hell. He tried his best to find the rational aspects, but doing so was a little difficult while you had bright purple hair and an exaggerated maid dress on.

"Fuck it. You trust your boyfriend right? Just go out there and humiliate yourself it's easy. No reason to-"

His impromptu pep talk was interrupted by Dongho knocking on the door.

"Hey, are you done yet."

Another wave of complete embarrassment overtook Taeseok. He buried his face in his arms as if he was trying to disappear. No one was in the bathroom with him, but he still felt as if he were in front of an entire audience. Presenting yourself in a maid costume is a lot easier said than done. Taeseok didn't have time to back out though. Before he could even think about what he was doing he slammed open the door, and quickly hid his face in his arms as he stood in Dongho's bedroom.

He could feel the eyes of his boyfriend staring right at him which didn't do justice his ever growing embarrassment. He lifted up the outer skirt part of the costume in an attempt to cover his flushed face. This type of payback was just too much.

He heard Dongho get up from his position on the bed and stop in front of him. Taeseok wanted to say something, but he only could let out a squeak. Dongho's hands gently held his shoulders and preparing for the worst Taeseok tried to brush them off.

To his utter surprise Dongho had leaned his face into his chest and let out a huge sigh. Taeseok slowly began to lower his arms from his face due to the utter shock. He glanced quickly down at Dongho who was still buried in the puffiness of his dress. He had to take a peek twice because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Dongho, D.min of Mayhem, his boyfriend was blushing?

It was adorable. Seeing his almost constantly on guard boyfriend relax.

Taeseok let out a small snicker. His smug facade completely broke when Dongho looked up at him. Still blushing, but slightly angry.

Before Taeseok could explain Dongho let out another big sigh before reciting a muffled speech though the ruffs of his costume.

"This is unfair."

Taeseok tried to play with his a little and replied in a sly tone. He cocked his head to one side and asked;

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

Dongho was already over his moment and shot back after lifting his head.

"I was saying that you look really cute, Tae Tae. This punishment for you seems like it has more consequences for me already"

Taeseok couldn't say anything. He was speechless. The blush he had before had spread over his whole body. No one other than Dongho could ever make him feel this way.

Damn you Kang Dongho.

Nonetheless when Dongho went back to leaning into him he didn't step away. The soft feel of his black hair brushing against his neck brought forth a new sense of happiness. In fact Tae would've been content staying like that the whole night.

by: otakii

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