● n o t e s ●

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I was planning for this to be a male reader, but now seeing things the other way, maybe I'll just save that for another story.

I only saw a very few of these kinds of crossovers, so I decided to make one myself since I love both of these fandoms so much.

Heavily inspired from those very few crossovers I read, although I think my plot will be a bit bizarre.

No lemons in this story, sorry everyone.
Maybe something kinky to satisfy your green thoughts, but I'm not very good at it so I might ask my friend for help. I've seen way too many comments getting the wrong ideas, not even I had a clue up til now.

My writing might suck. So beware of that.

I know a lot of you guys are used to the name 'Kurusu, Akira', so am I. But for some purposes, I decided to use his canon name 'Amamiya, Ren'. Don't worry, Akira will be his nickname.

2022 notes:

Hiya! I originally made this book when I was about grade 8, pretty sure I went on a 3 year hiatus but now I'm back(?)!

Intending on continuing this book with a new plot, planning to delete old chapters once I drop the new ones!

I'm very grateful for those who did enjoy the first version, but now when I go back to my intended drafts for the first plot, I've been seeing difficulty managing the story for the long term, and I now find the plot to be a bit off these days, which is why I'm changing it now!

I feel very thankful to those who enjoyed reading the original storyline! I cannot express how happy I felt when I get notifications in my email of either your votes and comments throughout the years, really thought I can let the book die out in peace but some of you lot somehow keep finding it in its bloody grave hHAHAHA

To those who kept asking for the next updates-- damn you! You've successfully gUiLt TrIPpeD mE back to writing!1!1!! hHSHS nO im joking frfr

I decided to write again at my own will and with a bit more motivation than I initially had.

My consistency and commitment for the book is unfortunately still questionable at most hehe

I hope I can set decent enough expectations from you guys for this story ueueueue

Stay tuned, stay safe, and wash your damn hands children,


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