Meeting a tricky, yet helpful friend

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Days passed as Arthur clopped along the trail. Three days had already passed, and he had yet to find a town. Hope was restored with him as he saw a small village just over the treeline, he made note of this and slowly made his way to it. As he approached the village, it having no name, a women, dressed in an olive green cloak and holding a flimsy dagger,  dashed out of the trees and slit the horses legs. The horse buckled and collapsed to the ground, Arthur going down with it. Arthur, dressed in his blood red, plated armor, was pinned underneath the horse, his leg barring all of its weight. The women dashed back into the trees and awaited, seeing what the man would do. The horse moved in place, in agony due to the cuts on is front legs. Arthur pulled his hammer off the side of the horse, and bashed its head, the horses skull cracking and pieces of bone flying into its brain. The horse died within a matter of seconds, becoming dead weight. The women dashed out of the bushes again, grazing her dagger against Arthur's armor, merely scratching the metal. Arthur reacted, swinging wildly at the moving target, but hit nothing but air. Thinking quickly, he started to push the horse off of his leg, freeing himself from the pin. As he begun to stand. the girl made another dash, her dagger scraping against Arthur's armor again, and the paint being scratched. Arthur stood up and pulled his hammer from off the ground, before readying himself for the next dash. The girl saw this, and threw a knife at him. The knife embedded its self into Arthur's armor, the tip just barley percing the thick metal. Arthur pulled the knife and laughed, as he shouted out at the woman,

"No flimsy knife or dagger could ever hope, to penetrate my armor!"

The women scoffed and dashed at him again, her dagger ready to be stabbed into Arthur, but before she could get a swing off, a large blow from his hammer struck her in the chest, sending her flying. She hit the ground hard, a dirt could forming around her as she skid across the road. Arthur quickly rushed over to deliver a second blow, but hit the ground instead. He readied once more, expecting another dash. Instead, a large could of smoke enveloped the scene, keeping Arthur blind to far attacks. Knives and darts flew at him, all embedding themselves within his armor.  He laughed once more, pounding his chest and bragging,

"Like I said you rat, nothing of yours will get through this wall of metal!"

Through the smoke came the women, he dagger coming down into the chest of Arthur. The moment the tip made contact with his armor, the dagger shattered. The women was stunned, and gave Arthur the time he needed. His hand, wrapped around the girls neck and picked her off of the ground, bringing her to eye level with Arthur. She squirmed in his grasp, trying to peel his fingers off of her, but to no avail, she was caught. Arthur brought her face to his helmet and scoffed. 

"You will make a fine bit of gold at the town."

He pulled off her hood, reveling long brown hair and a scarred, dirty face. She was in pain and anger. Arthur moved his grip, grabbing her hair and dragging her along the dirt path, moving towards town. The girl begged and pleaded, knowing that there was a bounty on here head at the place they were heading. Arthur, becoming annoyed and interested at the girls pleads, lifted her up to his helmet once more, and spoke. 

"And what is in it for me?"

The Backstory of Arthur EnterieaWhere stories live. Discover now