Homestuck: Eridan X Reader Truth or Dare?

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Homestuck: Eridan X Reader


-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began pestering (chumHandle) [XX] at 15:33 --

CA: Hello

CA: I knoww you're there!! 


XX: Gosh! Sorry Princess! I'm kinda busy!

CA: That's PRINCE. 

CA: And wwith wwhat?? 

XX: None of your business!

CA: I wwanna knoww!!

XX: >:C

CA: Is it quadrant related??

XX: Ohmygosh Eridan no. It is not. You friggin pervert.

XX: What do you want anyways??

CA: Wwhat makes ya think I wwanted somefin? 

XX: Dude you were flipping your shit. You want something.

CA: Glub. I wwas just wwonderin' if you wwanted to hang out later tonight.

XX: That'd be cool, but I can't.

CA: Wwhy the fuck notttttt? Gluuuub...

XX: I'm busy. I won't be home. I'm going somewhere.

CA: ...

XX: I'm sorry!! It's a secret thing! I'll hang out with you tomorrow when I get back.

CA: ... 

XX: Aww, cheer up Mr.Grumpy gills!! XD It's only over night.

CA: I rented movvies and evveryfin...:'C

CA: And my fuckin' moirail is busy wwith some 'secret' shit.

CA: Absolutely perfect. 

XX: Look, I'm sorry. We'll rent more movies tomorrow and watch them all day, alright? Now I have to leave.

CA: Ok FINE. You better make it up to me.

XX: I totally will man! I'll text you later. Bye.

CA: Bye.

-- (chumHandle) [XX] ceased pestering caligulasAquarium [CA] at 15:41 --

    Signing off of pesterChum, you feel a small amount of remorse due to the fact you can't hang out with Eridan, your moirail. You've liked Eridan for quite some time, or feel 'flushed' for him, as the trolls say (You being a human aren't completely familiar with their terms), making you feel bad you're missing a chance to watch movies and hang out with him (and maybe fall asleep next to him). But, you got invited to a sleepover at Kanaya's hive earlier this week, and you told her you would be there. She invited all the female trolls and humans, to have a girls night and chat about things. Well Kanaya used a bunch of fancy words, 'Eloquent Exchange Of Behavior Rituals Etc.' And the bottom line was, keep it a secret from all the boys, so they don't try to crash it!

    You finish packing your (colour) nightgown and toothbrush in your overnight bag, as well as a few other things you can't live without, including your cellphone. You pull on your jacket and exit your house, making sure to lock the door behind you, as you step outside into the warm evening air.

-----Time Skip-----

    You finally arrive at Kanaya's hive after an hour or so. You stand on her porch and knock on the front door, not wanting to use the rather ornate looking knocker, fearing you might break it.  Kanaya opens the door and gestures for you to come inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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