♥Hosu City {16}♥

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{Your P.O.V.}

Edgeshot and I were on a train, heading to a nearby city to patrol for a while. Being a 'ninja', the pro-hero had his agency located in a more secretive area, so we decided to just go to a random city to patrol since there wasn't much to patrol back at the agency's location.

As the vehicle traveled along the rickety tracks, I thought back to the beginning of my internship.


"So, you've decided to choose my agency to intern at. A wise decision, really. Your quirk seemingly has much to do with stealth. You would make an excellent sidekick to me with it.." Edgeshot spoke, looking down at some papers.

I gagged internally. My arch-nemesis's sidekick? Never in a million years.

He looked up at me once again, tapping his chin in thought. I decided to break the silence.

"Yes, my quirk is definitely best for stealth. I could utilize it well to get citizens out of danger of an active villain." I said as professionally as I could, though deep down I was cringing.

Edgeshot nodded, and then spoke once more. "Your quirk.. It's similar to a villain I have sought to capture for years. Are you familiar with Lady Toxic, or even perhaps.. related to her?" he questioned.

I froze up slightly, but put on my best front. "I can't say I am, sir, but I have been told my quirk is similar to hers.. many times.." I feigned an upset manner, acting as though the topic had hurt my pride.

The man looked away. "I apologize. I should not assume. There are many similar quirks and that is no reason for me to claim you are such a heinous villain's kin. You do have more neutral and healing abilities than harming, unlike her."

My best fake smile appeared on my lips. "Thank you, sir. I've just been told that so many times.. I can understand why people assume that, though."

Edgeshot then brought me to his sidekicks, talking to me about stealth strategy and what to do in different situations, etc. He told me we would be patrolling a city on Wednesday for me to practice what that was like.

{Flashback over}

Eventually, the train came to a sudden halt. I started slightly, looking over to Edgeshot. "Are we there already..?" I questioned, looking out the window.

"It doesn't look like we're at a station.. Perhaps they had a difficulty." he mused, and I nodded a bit, before hearing a woman speak over the intercom.

"Please remain seated and calm. The train will continue its path in just a few--"

Suddenly, a crash was heard a few cars ahead of us. I stood up in alarm, seeing Edgeshot do the same. 

"Stay here!" he commanded me, but I merely rolled my eyes and followed anyways. I had to see what was going on.

"Sir, this experience will do me good. I want to see what's wrong!" He sighed out but nodded, and we came across a large hole in the next cabin over, along with.. a Nomu?!

My eyes widened in disbelief. Tomura hadn't told me about any attacks that would be happening! What if this Nomu harmed me like the last one?!

I saw an old man in bright yellow boots slam into the Nomu, and looked next to where he was sitting. It was Izuku!

I ran over. "Izuku, what's happening?!" I asked frantically, and the boy looked over to me, seemingly just as surprised to see me as I was to see him.

"I don't know! That.. That Nomu just burst through the side of the train, and..--!"

"We have to go after it!" I yelled, hopping out and running along the street. I turned a corner and looked over my shoulder, seeing Izuku following me. I suppressed a smile as I looked in front of me again.

I turned a street corner, not hearing my green-haired companion stop and call out to me. I saw an old man in bright yellow.. rocket boots? beating up another Nomu. Izuku ran to my side, looking over to who I was looking at.

"Gran Torino!" he shouted, and the man kicked the Nomu again before jumping over.

"Damnit boy! I told you to stay in the train earlier!" the old man said angrily. He then looked to me. "Who's that girl? Your girlfriend?"

Both of us immediately turned red, and Izuku raised his hands and waved them in front of his face. "N-No Gran Torino, it's not like that--!"

We stopped being flustered as we noticed the Nomu approaching. I unleashed some gas at it, hoping since these ones were obviously weaker that it would work. The Nomu waved at the gas and turned to me, approaching me slowly.

"WATCH OUT!" Gran Torino shouted, but I stood there, frozen. The Nomu then stopped when it saw me, and turned around, walking away.

I was confused. Were these Nomu programmed to recognize me as a friend?

"Why did it..?" Midoriya questioned, but stopped as sudden realization crossed his face. "Y/N.. we need to find Iida."

"Huh..? Wh--"

"He's going after the Hero Killer. The Hero Killer, Stain, who hurt Ingenium, Iida's brother."

My eyes widened. "Let's go."

We ran off, but I didn't notice Gran Torino's glare behind me. 

{Gran Torino's P.O.V.}

I must warn Midoriya when we get back to my house.. That girl is bad news. She's got to be working with the villains.

That Nomu looked her straight in the eyes and left her alone, and went to attempt to kill many others. It must be programmed with her as a friend in mind.

{Izuku's P.O.V.}

As Y/N and I ran through the alleyways, I spotted it. Iida was below the Hero Killer, about to be murdered. I used Full Cowl and burst in, knocking him away just in time.

"Don't worry Iida.."

Y/N ran over by my side, her gas mask fastened on her face as she handed everyone else in the vicinity one as well.

"We'll save you!"

{1002 words}

{Whoop! Sorry for the really delayed chapter guys, I was gone for a trip and then I had finals to do all week. Next chapter will be out soon!}


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