1) Read the Author's Note.
Or at least skim it. Usually we have something to say. Even if it is just asking you to vote or comment. If we're going on vacation, we'll probably say so. If we're having a contest, we'll mention it. If we're planning world domination, we'll invite you to join. All in an Author's Note.
2) We love you. And we value your opinions.
So don't be afraid to be honest. Yes, if it's really hurtful, we may delete it to save our already small confidence in our writing, but most authors appreciate suggestions. I always take suggestions from loyal readers into account, and I always consider them. They've stuck with me, they know my story, if they have a suggestion, then yes, it is worth considering. So feel free to drop us your opinion, we love to hear you talk.
3) If your author's not updating, check their profile.
I'm not sure of this applies to everyone, but when I got on a trip or something, I usually set it as a status or broadcast a message to my fans. If I'm gonna update late, I'll probably mention it. Check the profile before messaging them about a late update.
4) Not all Author's Notes are bad.
When you see just an Author's Note sans chapter, it doesn't mean we're putting the story on hold, or taking it down. Don't worry. Take a deep breathe, and read. It could be a shout-out. Or a happy dance about how we've reached a certain ranking. Or a warning. Or an announcement about how we're gonna get a book published. There are a million things an author can say in an Author's Note
5) Let us know you're there.
Stories often go on hold because the write feels that no one's reading. So tell us that your there. You can do it in a lot of ways. Click the pretty 'Vote' button. Add it to your library. Shoot us a message. Drop us a comment. Tag us. Dedicate a chapter to us. Fan us. There's a lot of simple, easy ways to tell us that you're reading. Every vote and comment and fan I get, only make me want to write more and update sooner.
Next Tip: Getting More Reads
~JJ :)

Tips & Tricks to Writing on Wattpad
RandomPart guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :)