Chapter 19 "Grim"

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As I wake I take note of my surroundings, I notice that I am now lying down and covered up on the cot. I feel warmth radiating into my back, I suppose that Grim was more than happy to stay on the cot and off off the cold hard cavern floor. I turn to lie on my back and I see the silhouette of his face in the dark. I can't help but smile as I look at him. I sit up and feel him reposition himself behind me. I stand in the dark and reach out with my mind, locating the walls around us.

Finally sense a torch on the wall, I have no explanation how I know that is what it is but I just do. I reach into my pocket and pull out a metal flint. I rub the metal parts together and the sparks shower the cloth on the head of the torch. It is quickly enveloped into flames, I leave it in the metal wire circle that is screwed into the stone on the cavern wall. I turn to the bed and shake Grim awake. He raises his arms and stretches out while yawning.

"Good morning, sleepy head... I am pretty sure it is morning, it just feels like it is time to wake up. Also, I smell food." I notice the aroma wafting through the caverns. I Smile, showing all of my teeth, it will me nice to have a hot meal for the first time in my life. Grim is taking his time getting out of the bed and I am becoming less patient. So I start bouncing on the cot. "Come on, I am hungry. I don't remember how to make it to the kitchen." I lie.

He sits up and wraps his arms around me. "Stop bouncing."

I obey, quickly standing up and start bouncing on the tips of my toes. I hear grim chuckle at my excited nature and shakes his head. He stands up beside me after putting his shoes on. He reaches over, takes the torch from the wall, and starts walking ahead of me.

"You know the food they serve is not all that great." He describes it as if it is just left over meat from the day before with biscuits and gravy.

"Well, I don't have anything to compare it with. I have never had a hot meal, last night it was cold and before that it was nothing more than a nutritional shake, even though I thought I was eating a real meal. I have never had the pleasure of ever sitting at a table with real people, who are not a figment of a microchip, and eating hot food." I speed up my pace to walk side by side with Grim. So excited to eat a real warm meal for the first time in my life.

We approach the firelight in the other room and the smell of the food becomes stronger. It smells even better. After dousing the torch in the stream, Grim pulls out a chair at the table and motions for me to sit down and I obey. He quickly returns with two plates both with a biscuit covered with gravy and a broiled fish. I sink my fork into the biscuit and brake off a piece making sure it is smothered in gravy.

Once it is in my mouth and I am chewing on it my stomach makes some funny noises but my mouth is in heaven. All of these flavors and spices that I taste, I have never tasted before. My brain is running rampant trying to identify all of what I am eating, but personally I don't care because for the first time in my life it is hot and it is delicious!

Once finished with my first real meal, Sharon walks over to where we are seated and sits across from us. "So, did the two of you discuss anything pertinent in our plans for ending this war?"

I allow Grim to speak to his mother. "Well mom, truthfully I think that the three of us should go somewhere a little more private to have this conversation."

"Really?" She sighs. "I really thought making you share your space with her, would make the two of you have to discuss your differences. Sebastian, you are really sticking to your guns on this! Will I never convince you that she, as well as all of the other soldiers, are all human beings. She is worthy of living a life with the freedom of choice that you and I get to enjoy. Don't you think that every living being deserves to live? God, how did I give birth to such a stubborn child!"

"That's not why we need to talk, mom. There are things that you never considered, that she can do. I think that we did work out some of my issues last night. I am sorry I have been such a stubborn child." He turns and looks at me his cold hard blue stare has softened a great deal. "I get it now, I really do get it."

"Phoenix, do you agree that we need to speak alone?" Sharon looks at me with her soft green eyes.

"Yes, I agree. I am really unsure of what happened with your son and I, last night." I confess.

Sharon looks at me then turns her gaze to her son, her gaze hardening and her brows furrow. Her eyes widen and nostrils begin to flair as her breathing increases. Anger, this is what anger looks like. I feel elated that I can recognize the onset of anger.

"No! Mom, no, I didn't do that. I swear something happened but not that." Grim exclaims. His cheeks flush as he looks away from me and directly at the table. Embarrassed, I smile he is embarrassed.

I must admit I don't understand his mothers reason for becoming angry so quickly or Grim's sudden embarrassment. They both slowly calm down, "We can go into the woods away from the echo's of the cavern."

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