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"Ma?" Mahira called out, trying to grasp the attention of her mother who lay sunbathing in one of the patio chairs, her eyes closed

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"Ma?" Mahira called out, trying to grasp the attention of her mother who lay sunbathing in one of the patio chairs, her eyes closed.

With a huff, Mahira too collapsed on the chair beside her, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"This used to be my favourite spot when I was a child." Ghazala suddenly said, a reminiscent smile crossing her features.

"I'd sit here everyday, soaking in the sun and hearing the birds chirp with not a care in the world," She sighed, "Oh, those were the days."

"Do you regret leaving this place and moving to the city, Ma?" Mahira quipped, suddenly very aware of the melancholy in her mother's voice.

Ghazala rarely ever opened up about her past but in these quiet, blissful moments, she always felt compelled to do so.

"Sometimes. But then I think that if I had stayed here, I wouldn't have met your father and then I wouldn't have had you and the mere thought goes away."

Mahira felt as if her heart had been clawed, just like it always did at the mere mention of her father. Her estranged father, who had left them to fend for themselves when she was just a child, the only proof of his existence being the yearly birthday cards that he sent her.

Her mother rarely ever talked about him. Over the years, Mahira could only make out the fact that he had been an intolerant man, someone who despised her mother's optimistic and liberal views.

Blinded by love, Ghazala had went against the wishes of her parents to marry the man of her dreams so much so that her father had broken all ties with her. And what good had that done?

In the face of all that had happened, Mahira and her mother had managed a comfortable lifestyle what with her mother working a well paid job at a publishing company, but the absence of her father had always persisted like a gaping hole, never to be filled.

Mahira had never known her father but her mother had, and Mahira could only imagine how Ghazala had coped through all these years. Fighting off tears, she embraced her mother in a warm hug, silently thanking her for her strength. After all, making a life out in the city with no support and an infant needed a lot of courage.

And in spite of all the hardships, her mother had never looked back. Instead, she had always moved forward, rigid and unflinching like a mountain against the harsh winds.

"Now enough with this glum talk." Ghazala whispered after a few minutes, tucking away a few strands from Mahira's face.

"What's the past should remain in the past. I don't want you to have any hard feelings regarding your father. Everyone has their reasons for what they choose to do."

Mahira nodded, amazed at her mother's understanding nature, even after everything. A few moments of comfortable silence passed between them.

"By the way, Zoe's coming back tomorrow." Ghazala said, trying to lighten the mood.

"What?" Mahira perked up, her face scrunching up in confusion, "Wasn't she due to come in a week?"

"No, she's done with her shopping earlier than planned."

"That's great news. It was getting a bit boring here, anyway." Mahira replied, knowing that there was little truth in her words. No one could ever possibly be bored in the Manzil.

"Really? You seem to be getting along very well with certain people." Ghazala teased, a smirk tinting her lips.

"What are you implying, Ma?" Mahira asked, confused.

She often wondered whether her mother harboured a teenage soul.

"Nothing, dear. Now tell me, why were you looking for me?" Ghazala leaned back in her chair, a smirk still present on her lips.

Remembering why she had been searching for her mother in the first place, Mahira's blood began to boil, "The nerve of that man.." She spat out, "Who does he think he is, coming up to me and telling me to get ready by 7 so that he can show me the stables."

Hearing her daughter's rant, Ghazala's smirk widened to its fullest.

"Does he really think he can walk all over me? Pft, show you the stables my foot." She glanced at her mother and saw that she was unbothered.

"Mama? Are you even listening?"

"Hmm," Ghazala's tone was teasing, "Well I don't think there's anything wrong with him agreeing to show you around."

"I can't believe you," Mahira scoffed, "Did you forget what happened at breakfast this morning?"

"It would do one well to forget about the past," Ghazala sat up, "After all, it would be foolish of you to reject the offer given that you have such a handsome escort at your disposal."

Mahira didn't know if she had heard her mother correctly but the grin plastered across Ghazala's face proved otherwise.

"Mamaaa," She cried out, mortified at her mother's implications.

She hurriedly got up, wanting to hide the redness that she knew was now tinting her cheeks. As she made her way back towards the Manzil's entrance, she could hear her mother's breezy, teasing laugh and couldn't help but smile as well.

 As she made her way back towards the Manzil's entrance, she could hear her mother's breezy, teasing laugh and couldn't help but smile as well

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