•thirty three•

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Unable to stand the probing silence any longer, Mahira padded over to her mother's room. Her head throbbed and she felt as if a giant weight was put on her.

Ghazala, who lay flipping through a magazine, looked up as Mahira entered. She had been waiting for her, giving her some space, knowing she'd come by soon enough. And now here she was.

"Hasn't Zaroon come by yet?" Ghazala chose her words carefully.

"He did," Mahira sighed, climbing onto the bed and laying on her mother's lap, "But I didn't go."

Ghazala stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating. Then, cautiously, she broached the question that Mahira did not feel like answering,"What...what did Sonam say?"

Letting out a shaky breath, she turned to look over at Ghazala and the dark bags that encircled her eyes, suddenly realising her mother deserved to finally know the truth. And so she told her everything, repeating every tiny detail that Sonam had told her.

When she was done, she noticed how a solemn expression crept onto Ghazala's face.

"I should've let Naureen explain herself," She shook her head, "I shouldn't have left without hearing her out."

"It's not your fault, Mama." Mahira said consolingly, "If you had known the truth, you would have never left the Manzil and broken all ties with her."

"You should call Aunt Naureen and apologise. I know how much you miss her."

"Yes, I do miss her," Ghazala sighed, "But there are other matters that need to be dealt with first."

"What matters?" Mahira asked, confused.

"Why didn't you accompany Zaroon to the theatre play?"

The question caught Mahira off guard and it took her a second to regain her composure.
"I...I..needed some time to think." She stumbled over her words, fearful of her mother seeing through her white lie.

"Think about what?" Ghazala probed, but Mahira stayed quiet, not sure how to explain herself, "Surely, you don't

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"Think about what?" Ghazala probed, but Mahira stayed quiet, not sure how to explain herself, "Surely, you don't.....-."

Ghazala stopped mid sentence, taking a sharp intake of breath. There was a certain clarity in her eyes, "Do you think this will change things?" She asked.

"I...I don't know why it's affecting me so much. It shouldn't be, but it is."

Ghazala looked at her daughter for a long while until something finally clicked into place.
"You still have feelings for him, don't you?"She finally whispered, dreading the answer.

Mahira's head jerked up in surprise. Her heart lurched, because even though she knew this was the truth, having it said out loud made it all the more perplexing.

Her silence was all the confirmation that Ghazala needed but before she could say anything, Mahira got up from the bed and made to leave.


"I can't," She choked out, tears pooling in her eyes, "I can't do this to Zaroon."

And with that, she hurried out of the room

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And with that, she hurried out of the room.

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