1. For The Second Times

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The sound of knocking feet, clinking of the knives and forks touching plates, united in the room. Some were shouting customers order, some were playing with wok and spatula. It was reasonable, in hours like this, the atmosphere in the restaurant was quite crowded. Many workers were hungry after worked since morning. Included Oikawa. He was sitting while eating his lunch. Didn't care with his surrounding. His eyes only focused on the rice and the side dish in front of him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Asked someone who sat across his seat, made him stop his activity from chewing food. But he chose to ignore her. "Don't ignore me."

That woman was trying to break his mood, "we don't have much time-"

"Aah. I guess you don't. Then I have a chance-"

"I have." His word just like venom to her. After five seconds, he got up from his seat and immediately left her behind. This wasn't really like Oikawa Tooru at all, the boy who always flirted with girls in high school and had so many fans. He was different now. It was because of you. He lost you because of that damn fangirls of his.

"I see." The woman said as she followed his steps. "I wonder who is she.. So lucky.."

Oh... As if she knew what a lucky life you've been through... She would never use that word again.

"Ahh~ I wonder how is she.." She continued her words.

'She's perfect.' He said to himself.

"Nee, nee, Doctor. Can you someday meet me with your girlfriend--"

"Now tell me what's my schedule today?" He asked the woman beside him, made her scoffed in response.

"You have to check a patient in room 113." She answered his question as she looked at the paper board in her hand.

"Isn't this Doctor Fujioka's patient?" Oikawa asked again as he stopped his track suddenly.

"Yes. He's absent today so you were asked to check his patient."

He sighed, "He didn't tell me about this..." He muttered to himself. "Okay then, let's go."

He continued his steps to the room 113, still with the woman followed him. When he finally arrived, his eyes landed on the white-haired boy figure. He looked really weak on the bed while looking at the ceiling.

"Good afternoon. How are you today?" He asked the boy kindly.

"Hurt." The boy replied with a hoarse voice.

"I'm Doctor Oikawa. I'm here because Doctor Fujioka is absent today." Oikawa told the little boy but he seemed not interested at all. Maybe he was thinking to get away from the pain. Didn't mind with the doctor that checked on him. "I heard you've been here for a month because of kidney failure. But it seems like you should keep up with the dialysis..."

"It hurts." The only words he could answer. Oikawa took pity on him and gave him some kind of painkiller to reduce the boy's pain.

"How about I give you something after you've done the dialysis?" He tried to cheer the little boy after injected the painkiller. "What do you want?" He asked with his usual childish voice.

The little boy was thinking for a while before saying he wanted to do the transplant organ immediately. But he also wanted to complete his collections of transformers. "My mom always buy it for my birthday present, but now, she seems can't buy it because she needs the money for my treatment."

Oikawa looked at the bedside table and saw three different robots. "I see... Okay, we will do the dialysis at seven o'clock. Now take a rest." After that, he left the room.

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