10. When The Time Was Right

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Everything's gone silent, yet the clock still dare to tick every seconds. Another groan was heard.

"What the hell is wrong with my head?" The brunette boy asked to no one as his hand touched his bandage head. He tried to get up but couldn't, as if something hit his head hard and he could hear ringing sound inside. For about a minute he suddenly realize,

"[Y/N] chan..."

"[Y/N]!!" He shouted to whoever inside this house but the only person he hope the most was [Y/N]. He hoped his girl would answer. But nothing he could hear outside. "No...no.. it cant be..--"

"Oikawa? Are you awake?"

Just as he would get up from the bed, he heard a voice. He sighed in relief. It meant his girl wasn't leave him. He chuckled a bit, "I'm glad it was just a dream."

"What's dream?" Another voice broke the situation. His eyes finally landed to the person at the open door as realization hit him hard. His smile turned into fear and angry. He touched his head again to make sure what he's seen still a dream, yet only made him groaned in pain again. The person on the doorway approached him, brought him lunch.

"I'm sorry, maybe i've hit you too hard and made you slept for almost a day." The girl said as she put the tray and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Do i know you?" Oikawa asked as he eyeing the girl beside him. He looked confuse yet angry. The girl smiled bitterly but tried to hold her sadness.

"Im the girl that congratulated you in your tournament with Karasuno." She answered. "My name is [Your Friend Name]."

"Ah. I remember now. The one with [Y/N] chan wasn't it?" Her eyes lit up, happy because her crush recognized her. "Now where's my girl?"

And in a second he crashed her hope, her happiness. Oikawa gave her his sweetest smile even though he knew what she did to him. He only pretended, hoping she would tell him where is [Y/N]. Because that's what his fangirl wanted right? To steal his attention.

But he got it wrong. She was different. There was a long pause before she suddenly said something.

"Why? Why cant you just fall for me?!"

Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows, surprised by her words.

"She doesnt love you, Oikawa senpai. I'm the one who love you. So much until it hurts." She cried as clutched the sheet under her. "Why cant you leave her alone and start to fall for me?" She said while sobbing, looking down.


Eight letters that could break her heart into pieces. Her eyes widen, she could feel her breath stopped. She thought her tears and her confession would make him pity her, but too bad...

Oikawa doesnt have pity...

"This is why i love [Y/N]. She doesn't do something filthy like this."

"Then will you accept me if i do the same just like [Y/N] did?" She asked him, eyes clouded with tears but a little hope also there. He kept silent for a while before laughed.

"Ahahahaha .. such an obedient girl you are. I like it."

Three words.

Three words that built her hope and made her smile came back .

'Oikawa senpai likes me...' she mumbled to herself.

"Then will you do everything i said?"


"Will you get hurt for me?"

"If it makes you happy, yes."

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