Can't Live Without You

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A.N. Hey everyone! This is my first story, so I'm gonna need feedback on what you think! Sorry if it's crappy! Hope you enjoy!

"No! This can't be happening! Why do you hate me so much?!" I yell at my mom. She just finished telling me that we're moving to London because of her new husband, John, got a job there. The thing is that mom and I live in Ottawa, Canada. If we move to London, and I don't mean London, Ontario, I mean London, England, I'll have to leave all my friends and I can't live with them! Why does she have to ruin my life?!

"You are coming! End of conversation!" My mom yells back.

"I'll just go and live with dad then! I know he loves me enough not to ruin my life!" I scream.

"You know you're father travels too much and can't take care of you!"

"I'm 17 years old! I can take care of myself!" I yell.

"No! You are moving with your step father and I to London! Now go to your room and finish packing! We are leaving tomorrow!" My mom yells. I stomp my feet upstairs to my room.

"I hate my life and you!" I yell down to my mom as I slam my door. I fall onto my bed and cry. My life is ruined now. I'm moving to the other side of the world. I'm leaving all the people that I love. I get up and grab the last of my things to pack.

I finish packing and decide to call my best friend, April, to tell her the news.

*Phone Convo (K-Kaitlyn, A-April)*

A- Hey girl! What's up?

K- Ugh! Mom just told me that we're moving to London!

A- Well, it's not that far. Only a few hours.

K- Not London, Ontario! London, England!

A- No! What about all the amazing things we were gonna do this summer?!

K- I know! I tried to stay with my dad, but she's forcing me to go live with her and John! Ugh! I hate my life so much right now!

A- Well, look on the bright side. You get to meet a bunch of really cute British boys. Plus, One Direction lives there and I think they're on Vacation too! If you meet them, give them my number for me, please!

K- Ugh! IF I meet them! But, I probably won't. I hope you realize that.

A- Thanks girl! Well, I gotta go! Going to the movies with my brother! Ugh! don't want to, but mom's forcing me!

K- Say hi to him for me! Have fun with your bro! Bye!

A- Haha like I'm gonna have fun. Bye!

*End of Convo*

I fall asleep after the phone call, thinking about how my life is going to change so much starting tomorrow.

Can't Live Without You---One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now