Chapter 10

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Kaitie's POV

It's been three weeks now since Harry broke up with me and he hasn't talked with me at all. I haven't really had contact with any of the boys except for Louis. He's like my older brother. He comes over every day. I don't do much. I just sit around the house. Only getting up to eat and go to the washroom, but I don't eat much. I'm really depressed. I'm like Bella Swan from New Moon, after Edward left her. Yeah, that’s me. Emotionless. Lou tries to cheer me up, but nothing seems to work. He saw the cuts on my wrist the first night. He was kinda pissed, actually, now that I think about it, he was royally pissed, I’ve never seen him mad before. I've stopped. Louis is always watching me like a hawk. I never have the chance to.

Right now, I'm currently sitting on the couch, supposed to be watching T.V, but I’m just staring into space.

"Kaitie, please do something?" I say nothing. "Don't make me call the boys over." Again, I say nothing, I just stare into space. "That's it. I'm calling the boys and we're doing something today. I really miss my best friend. It's been three weeks. If you ask me, I think you know who is being stupid. You deserve better if he's gonna act like this." Louis says. He walks out of the room with his phone to his ear. I'm guessing he's calling the boys. A few minutes later he comes back in. "The boys are coming. Eleanor and Danielle are coming too. We're going to the carnival." I just simply nod. That's the most I do. I rarely speak.

Ten minutes later, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Eleanor, and Danielle come. When they see me, they give me looks of sympathy.

"Dani and El, can you pick an outfit for Kaitie?" Louis asks.

"Sure." Eleanor replies. I get up and follow them upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed while they search my closet. They end up picking a pale pink skirt and white quarter-length white lacey shirt with a simple neckace and simple bracelets. I change into it and they do my make-up and hair. My make-up is simple and they put my hair up in a bun. I grab my bag and put my phone and wallet in it. I grab my sunglasses and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I've decided that I'm gonna enjoy myself today. Screw Harry. I did nothing wrong. Zayn kissed me. And yes, if you’re wondering, I have forgiven Zayn.

I walk downstairs and give a small smile.

"You smiled!" Louis yells, running to me and giving me a giant hug. "Does this mean that my best friend is back?" he asks with a hopeful look.

"Maybe. Do you want your best friend back?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yes! She's back!" he yells. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Louis! I'm in a skirt! Put me down you loser!" I yell. Everyone laughs. Louis carries me to the car and throws me in the back. I buckle my seat belt as everyone gets in. I end up sitting next to Niall.

"So? Kaitie's back, huh?" Niall asks looking at me.

I shrug. "Yeah, I guess. I've decided that I'm not gonna beat myself up over this. If Harry wants to believe that I cheated on him, then let him. He's being stupid."

"Why didn't I think of this earlier?! I could've had my best friend back a while ago!" Louis yells from the driver’s seat. I laugh.

"Gosh Lou. What's wrong with you?" I ask, still laughing.

Everyone laughs. The drive to the carnival wasn't that long. Once we got there, I quickly jump out and look around the carnival.

"Let's go have some fun!" Louis screams and runs towards the gate. Everyone laughs and follows him. When we get there, Liam buys us tickets and we go up to the first ride there. A giant rollercoaster.

"Umm. Can I skip this one out guys?"

"No! You are going on this ride missy. Whether you like it or not." Louis says and grabs my hand. He pulls me towards the line.

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