Chapter 3

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She stares at him in shock and her eyes widen."No way!! I am like your biggest fan!!" Ross smiles."By the way I'm sorry for what happened. "She adds."Huh??"He asks. Her eyes widen again and she covers her mouth."Where can I sleep?" she asks to cover up. "Umm… first door to your right." he answers.She quickly leaves as her eyes start glowing.Ross is left confused, but yet determined to find out what it is she is hiding.She knows what happened. How?? How does she know? His own family doesn't even know and considering he can't tell them. He was ripped away to fulfill his life as a agent.He loved being the young 18 year old,who was a rockstar and meeting a million pretty girls everyday.He missed his old life.His family thinks he was kidnapped during one of their concerts, but truth is he left to protect them.There was a group about to attack them that night but Agent Robert told Ross and about his new life as a secret agent.He didn't accept at first but, he knew he had to in order to protect his family. Till this day he wishes he can see them but then that will bring them into danger. He now knows exactly what to do. He needs Laura to open up and tell him everything. As Ross is lost in thought Laura comes back. "Hey." Now is the chance."Umm… hey! Can I ask you, how you know what happened?" She stares at him blankly, lost in thought in his gorgeous hazel eyes. She never took the chance to actually look at him without her eyes glowing.She then sighs."I know a lot of things I don't want to know. I can look at someone and know exactly who they are.I acted like I didn't know you just know because I didn't  know if I can trust you. But everytime I'm near you, my eyes start to glow.I have no idea what is or means. All I know is that you are the only one I can trust.My family is scared of me.I don't want to hurt anybody.That is why those kids are able to push me around. I was going to fight back but then you came to help.As soon as I seen you, I knew you were the one. I had to keep my distance. You came towards me and I felt this energy and I was frightened so I had to stay away from you or I would've hurt you too. I don't want to hurt anyone." She explains as tears start flowing.Ross is shocked. He was told she didn't know anything, clearly they lied but why. "What do you mean I'm the one?" he asks. She wipes her tears. "You're mine. I'm yours. I don't know if that is what is.But you were sent here to protect me and bring me to agent Robert." "Wow she's good", Ross thought.He noticed she was shaking. He walked towards her, but she backed away. "I'm afraid okay.Everyone that has ever came close to me always disappeared.I don't want to be the reason, you disappear from your family forever.Please stay back." She backed away until her back was against the wall.Ross went to her.He put his hands on both sides of her on the wall with her in between. He stared at her intently and waited til she was calm.She stared back and images started flowing through her mind. She was paralyzed in place.She didn't move but she just stared. She wants to speak but can't. Her eyes start glowing and only thing she sees is Ross. He won't move either. All she wants is to be with him. She suddenly has this urge to just hug and kiss him. She sees all these images of them together all happy."I love you", she whispers in his ear.She doesn't understand what it is. Her eyes turn back to normal and she looks in his eyes.She senses his confusion and also danger.Someone is here."Someone's here Ross!". Ross looks  at her still confused but then there is a loud thud behind them.They turn towards the noise to find a  little puppy trying to open the door. The pup knows there is someone behind it.Ross realizes and grabs Laura's hand and runs."Come out! Come out wherever you are Laura!" a voice shouts running towards the door and busting it open. Ross grabs his weapons and contacts his signals. He then turns to Laura."Please stay with me and don't leave my side," he whispers."I'm yours truly and I will always be with you," she whispers back."I love you," she mumbles under her breath. She knows what it meant that he was hers and she's his. Their meant to be together.Even if they didn't meet this way, she would have met him anyway.He the boy she was always getting images of. Her family thought she was strange. Once she used her powers on then they were freaked and didn't want anything to do with her.Time to move on she thought."Okay let's go",Ross says.With that they were off.

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