Accidental Meeting

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"Tasha, I'm going to grab a drink" Nikki's voice sounds in my ear's, I hum in response keeping my eyes closed as I catch some rays, it's my last day on vacation so my sister drug me out to the beach. I told her we still have all summer, the only reason I took the week off from work was to make sure she was settled and well adjusted. Mom and her new husband sent her to me this past weekend after school let out, I am their last resort. Lydia would have taken her if she was still in L.A. but she was currently in Paris wrapping up her fashion show.

Nikki is mine and Lydia's half-sister, but because our mother didn't marry Nikki's father until six years ago mom gave her our father's name. She never changed it when they divorced so it was still her name and Nikki became a Martin. S'not like my dad would care anyway, he is on wife number six and barely contacts us on birthdays and Christmas. My phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Lyds how is Paris?" I ask my sis, "It's beautiful when I have time to see it" She laughs, "Awe sissy, I'm sure you'll get the time you deserve." I respond Lydia and I are close in age so we have a wonderful relationship, we are more like best friends than anything, there is nothing better to have your sister as your best friend mom would always say. "Well that's why I am calling actually, I just got word that tonight is the last show and I'll be on a plane first thing tomorrow morning." She says.

"What? That is fantastic news Lyds" I say, I am vaguely aware of her response when I hear the sounds of our baby sister's giggling. I turn my head and catch her flirting it up with a man my age. Come on seven days in L.A. and she is already starting her shit. "Ah Lyds I'm going to have to call you back when I get home, seems as though our baby sister is still up to the game's she played back in Sacramento," I say, "You have to be kidding me, how old is the guy would you say?" She asked, "Um I'd say he is my age" I respond. "Lord that child, alright Tash, I'll be on a plane tomorrow morning then I'll be there to help you tame the wild child." She says, we say our goodbyes and I hang up.

"Nikki, get over here," I shout to my sister, I turn away for one second and she's already after a guy. I get up off the blanket and head her way and realize who she was talking to the closer I got. "Nichole Martin, what do you think you're doing?" I ask as I reach them. "I'm just talking, Natasha geeze." She whines. "No harm, ma'am," the man says, so I turn my attention to him. "I'm sorry Mr. Hale, my sixteen-year-old sister doesn't know the meaning of boundaries, hope you have a good day" and with that said I grab my sister by the arm and drag her away.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask her as I gather my things together, "What I am just trying to get Forbes most eligible bachelors number." She says, "And get me fired while you at it?" I asked, slipping into my flip-flop. "What? I thought Theo was your boss?" She asked, "He is, Derek Hale is Theo's boss, I work at Hale enterprise you dimwit," I say through my teeth. "Oh" she responds, I don't say no more as we get in the car and head for home.

As soon as we are home I start in on her again, "Nikki, I love you but this has to stop and I mean now, I am your last hope" I say heading up the steps to change clothes, I hear her following. "What do you mean?" She asked when she came into my room. "My mother and your father said that if you being here with me doesn't work and you don't change your ways they are sending you to an all-girl Catholic school back east," I say pulling a nice dress out of my closet.

"Are you serious?" She asked, and I could tell by the tone of her voice that, the thought of being in an all-girl Catholic school scared the crap out of her. "I'm dead serious Nikki, and I hope to god Derek doesn't put two and two together and realise I work for him, that's been one thing that hasn't happened in my year working at his company, I have yet to meet him, but I have heard some stories about him," I tell her as I stand and head back downstairs to fix us some lunch.

"You haven't met him yet?" she asked, "not until today, it's one of the perks of being the secretary to the director of operations, he doesn't get much interaction with the head of the company, just the ones under him," I say "I am really sorry Tasha, I will change I promise" She says and I can hear in her voice that her words where true. Let's just hope come tomorrow Derek Hale will still be none the wiser of who I am. 

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