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"Good morning Tasha," Allison says as I come into the office, "Good morning Ally," I say and pass her to go to my little office just off Theo's. I unlock and open my door, turn on the light and set my stuff down and boot up my computer. "So how's the baby sister?" Ally asked coming into my office, "Ugh a total brat, she tried to hook a guy yesterday" I say, "No way, do we know who he is?" she asked, "Um, yeah he was voted Forbes most eligible bachelor for two thousand eighteen." I say and check my emails.

"OMG Derek Hale?" She asked, "The one and only," I respond, "Does he know you work here?" She asked, "As of right now no, but who knows after yesterday," I say as I finish my emails. There's a knock on the door I look up to see Theo standing there, "Welcome back Tasha," he says, "Thanks Theo,"I respond and look back down at my computer. "Uh, I just got a call from upstairs and Derek Hale would like to see you in his office," He says.

I can literally feel the color drain from my face, I look at Ally and she looks nervous as I feel. "Um ok now?" I asked, Theo nods his head and I get up and go to the elevator and press the button for the fifteenth floor. I shot a text to Nikki saying Derek Hale just called me to his office, she responds with an oh no I'm so sorry. I don't have time to respond because the elevator stops on the floor I've aimed for.

I walk through the cubicles down to the hall that leads to heads of the companies offices, I walk up to the desk of Derek's secretary and find Stiles sitting there. "Stiles, why are you sitting behind that desk, shouldn't you be working on your marketing?" I ask, "Um yeah, Derek's secretary quit last week so I am filling in until he finds a new one." He says, "Oh, um Mr. Hale has requested me in his office this morning," I say, "Yeah he is expecting you, go right in," Stiles says, I move away from the desk and walk to my left to the big door with Derek's name on it.

I knock on the door and hear a muffled come in. "You wanted to see me, sir?" I ask when I come in the room and shut the door, "Ah yes Miss Martin please come in and sit." he says when he looks up for a brief moment, I sit in the chair in front of him. "Miss Martin I have called you in here because of what happened yesterday." He says when he finally looks up at me.

"I am so sorry about my sister, she is a kid and a wild child, my mother and her father had sent her here for me to try and straighten out." I say, "So I heard, what I am wondering is why you think I would fire you for the way your sister acted?" he asked, "um, well I know you like your space and what my sister had done yesterday would have gotten the best of employees out of a job." I say, "I see, well I have gone over your work ethic here from the last year and I have to say I am rather impressed, and I wanted to offer you a job up here as my secretary," he says.

"I'm sorry? What?" I ask, my mind is all over the place right now, I was not expecting this. "Yes, I would like to offer you a job as my secretary, you have a masters in office management, you were top of your class, and you straightened the mess the last secretary Theo had made, you will receive an increase in salary and two extra weeks of vacation time added to what you have left, that is if you accept," he says, I'm silent for a moment, I really don't need a salary increase, but I won't tell him that, and three weeks vacation sounds like something I could get along with.

"Well Mr. Hale you have got yourself a new secretary," I say with a smile, he smiles and stands, "thank you, Miss. Martian" he says and puts his hand out for me to shake, so I stand and take his hand in mine, "Please call me Tasha if that's okay with you?" I ask, "Only if you call me Derek," he says, "I think I can manage that, so when do I start?" I ask, "How about tomorrow, Mr. Stilinski seems to be doing an okay job for now," he says, I giggle "yes Stiles does seem to make a very good secretary," I say looking out the small window by the door at my best guy friend.

"Oh you know Mr. Stilinski?" he asked, I turn to look at Derek, "Yes, I meet him and Scott McCall in college freshmen year when I answered their ad for a roommate, they were looking for someone who could cook and would live there rent-free, which was nice it was before I got my trust fund from my grandparents so money was tight for me." I open my mouth without thinking again, I look up at Derek and I know I've got the whole deer caught in headlights look.

"How old were you when you received it?" he asked, "Twenty-one" I responded, "Wow normally it's eighteen, and don't worry Tasha, I know who your father is, it wasn't that hard to find out, but by the look on your face I'm guessing you don't want others to know am I right?" he asked, I nod shly, "Yes if you don't mind, Lydia and I have kept it that way so we wouldn't have mysterious family members coming out of the woodwork looking for a hand out, her and I worked all through high school, we liked working so much that we just decided to continue to do it even after the trust fund, we've spent the last several years after getting it to prove to our father that we could make it without him like we had since we were kids, we used it a few times, ones for our house and the second to put Lydia through fashion school," I say.

"Well I have to say Tasha that is very impressive." he says, "So, I start tomorrow, I better get back down to Theo then before he loses his head." I say with a chuckle, "how about you go home for the rest of the day, I'll send someone down to collect your things and they will be ready for you to set up when you come in tomorrow." he says with a smile. My smile increases, "Really I can do that?" I ask, "Yes, it will be just fine, Theo's temp starts today anyways," he says with a smile.

"Thank you, Derek," I say and head for the door, "My pleasure Miss Martian, maybe we will see each other around," he says with a smile. "Maybe," I say, smiling in return and heading out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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