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I never noticed how quickly time can pass by when kept annoyingly busy. Two weeks came and went, not a second of it being spent on myself. From nine until six I'm on calls, emailing employees and other businesses, refiling documents to update the system and creating plans for the company's future. Half of the staffing is seemingly useless. They don't know how the system works or what section they are working in. Some I've had to fire, other's I've requested to be trained by my most competent members.

Seven from six I'm talking to Fawn about her behaviour and classes while making and eating my tea. She's moved classes for a few subjects where she feels more comfortable to learn. Her new teachers are better with understanding her situation. She is however still rude when trying to express her difficulties to Leah. Baby steps I guess.

Eight to ten I'm on call with at least one of the Squad to help them with their coursework and revision. Carter has been given an extension of one week, I made a few calls to make sure he isn't failed because of his struggles. The rest of the group finished a week ago, and are now deciding on university, internships or full time jobs.

That is why I am dying inside.

Physically, I am exhausted. As soon as I slump onto anything cushioned, I am out like a light. I've resorted to sitting at the dining table with wooden chairs to prevent slipping asleep when I still have tasks to get through.

Mentally, I am bored shitless. With basically reworking all of the programs the company covers, I'm working long nights after finishing with the guy's until I pass out in my bed. I've had one long headache for a week, leaving me nauseous most days.

I've had to ring up Ro and Ollie to ask if a Wolf can get the flu. Obviously they can't due to an impeccable immune system that links to the rapid healing. Yet, I haven't felt this bad since I had Whooping Cough several years ago.

An hour ago, I requested that Sheila answer all emails that aren't vital and to send me anything of significance due to being unable to move from my bed unless it is to throw up or get a drink. I've resorted to lying on my side with my phone propped up on my bedside table. I giggle as Carter swears at his computer in the next room while the sweet couple cuddle on the sofa while speaking to me on the television.

"I don't know what to do, Zo. I've never heard of a Werewolf getting ill like this." She whimpers, brows furrowed as I cough from the need to hurl despite having nothing in my system. "I've probably worked myself too hard." Neither of them seem convinced. Instead of arguing, they let it slide. "I think you should go to the Doctor's, Babes."

"And tell them what exactly? My body heat is naturally double the average humans, and my eyes are meant to dilate to the size of a golf ball?" I scoff, making myself cough again.

Swallowing down half a glass of water, I sigh and lean back down. "I don't know. Maybe they'll know what it is without having to do any tests." I make a noncommittal promise to think about it.

Eventually, they have to hang up for Rosie to drive Carter to his GP's for a medication review. I am extremely proud of him for opening up about everything. It wasn't like he had too much choice after Ro found him crying under the shower - still fully clothed - while having an intense breakdown. She went into big sister mode immediately, offering the safety he needed to admit his need for help.

It's still early in the day, barely eleven o'clock. I may as well drop by the medical centre in case I've contracted some critical illness that is destroying me because it would kill a regular Human. The walk in point is only a two hour walk, the air might even relieve some of the nausea.

It only takes a couple of minutes to book an appointment online with my new GP, Dr Sidonie Willard. To seem less obvious to those in my area, I asked my old practice to transfer all of my records across. With the amount of disease currently in the world, it is almost illegal to not have a family Doctor.

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