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Diana's p.o.v

Ares had me pinned on the ground, unable to move. I watched as the plane carrying all the gas flew over me in the sky.

All I could think about was Steve...

He's on that plane...

Oh god... what was he planning?

Why did he give me his watch..?

Was he saying goodbye..?


No he can't do this...

I can survive it, he should let me do it...

Why is he doing this...?

"He is only a mere human, Diana," Ares says, "His life is worthless just like the rest."

I slowly shake my head, tears blurring my vision, "Steve..."

Then my worst fear comes true...

The plane explodes, metal and debris falling everywhere.

Then my tears come out.

I yell until my throat becomes dry, and cry out Steve's name.

He sacrificed himself... for all of these people...

Suddenly, anger began rushing through me, coursing through my veins.

I got out of Ares' hold, and began grabbing items, and throwing them at him.

It was his doing that resulted in Steve having to sacrifice his life.

His desire for war caused the entire world and its people to go against each other... and that resulted in the lives of many who all deserved better.

Steve deserved better...

"You're fighting the wrong person, Diana," Ares says. He grabs a car and flys it over to where we are.

Then a human is thrown out.

Dr. Poison...

Those damn gas bombs were the result of Steve's death...

She deserves to die...

I lift up a tank and hold it over my head, ready to smash it on top of her.

She just looks up at me, her eyes pleading. Then her mask flies off, and I see her burned face.

"This woman," Ares starts, " Does not deserve your pity. She is one of the many reasons for war. She created the bombs to kill people. She is true evil, and she does not deserve to live. End her, Diana. Kill her and rid the world of her impurities."

I'm about to do as he says, but then Steve and his final words replay in my head.


My head throbs after the impact to the ground when Ares hit me.

Steve comes up in front of me and lifts me up.

He holds onto my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

"Diana, are you alright?"

My ears feel buzzed, and I can barely hear what he says.

"I have to go, Diana."

I frown, "Steve..." I lift a hand up to his face.

"I have to do this. It has to be me."

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