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Steve's p.o.v

"Steve, I need you to stay still."

"But it hurts."

"You're not going to get any better if you don't treat your wounds like the doctor said."

I sigh, "Fine, I'll stay still."

Diana smiles at me, "Thank you."

She carefully applies the cream onto my wounds.

I flinch a couple of times.

Every time I do, she stops applying the cream, and asks me if I'm alright.

She seems to worry about me more than I even worry about myself.

It's already been a week, and my burns have healed day after day.

I watch as Diana applies the cream onto my arm. She applies it carefully, full of concentration.

"I like this," she says.

I frown, "The cream...?"

She lets out a small laugh, "No, I like being like this. I feel like your wife, trying to take care of you. It's a good thing I love you because this would become so stressful after a while."

I laugh.

"Time to apply it to your chest." She reaches up and unties my hospital gown. It falls down my upper body, and her eyes immediately drop down to my abs. She clears her throat, "Uhm..."

I smirk, "You like the abs?"

She playfully slaps my arm, "Shut up and stay still so that I can apply the cream."

"Alright, alright."

She leans over me, and spreads the cream over my burns.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and groan due to the immense pain.

Diana stops applying the cream, "I'm sorry. Is it hurting you too much? Maybe I should just-,"

I shake my head, "No it's alright Diana, I'm fine. Just continue."

She frowns, "But it's hurting you-,"

"I'm fine," I say, "Really, just go on. I need this to get better."

She kisses my forehead, then smiles at me, "If you say so Mr. Trevor."

I smile at her.

She continues applying the cream, and I try to hold in any signs that show I'm in pain, so that she doesn't worry.

"Okay, your chest is done." She backs away, "Leave the gown down so that the cream can dry."

I nod, "So now my face right?"

She doesn't say anything. She just stares at my face, sadness evident in her eyes.

I think she catches onto me watching her, because she quickly looks away.

"I've been a spy for years now Diana," I say, "So don't try to hide anything. I can read you like a book by now."

She sighs in frustration, "Curse you and your spy techniques..."

I laugh, "You love it."

She rolls her eyes, "May I please just continue applying this cream to your wounds?"

"Sure, but maybe you shouldn't try observing my wounded face."

She ignores my remark and begins applying the cream onto my face.

She carefully applies it, and I notice the same sad look in her eyes.

"You still think it's your fault huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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