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The rain had never seemed more magical.


I sat in class and watched the drops of water slide down the window.
It was raining again.
The bell rang, signalling the end of class.
I walked through the school doors and that's when I saw her again.
Running in the rain towards her car. One of her books fell out of her bag but she didn't notice.
"Hey!" I shouted.
She stopped and turned around.
I stopped in front of her and the confusion was clear on her face.
We both stood in the rain.
I showed her the book and she smiled gratefully.
"Thank you." She walked away.
I smiled to myself and was about to walk away myself when I saw a note lying on the ground.
I picked it up and walked home.
Not minding the rain at all.

With a smile on his lips he gazed at me with adoration.
But I knew he could never be mine.

Oct 3. 7:00pm

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