Im Bi.

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As far as I can remember I was taught that people can only like the opposite gender and that if you like the same gender you were shamed for doing so. Growing up I had only thought you could like only one gender. Male and female, mind you I didn't know of the many genders in the world. So while growing up I guess I always seemed to have this connection to both men and women. But I pushed away my feeling for women because I thought I would get in trouble or that it was just hormones.

When I got to middle school my feeling grew stronger as I seemed more likely to stare at the pretty girls in my school while still liking the boys. I kept it pushed down as I though people would think I was weird. At this time more of my friends has come out as gay or bisexual. But I just couldn't. I didn't k ow what my sexuality was, I was confused on how to process these emotions and thoughts I had.

Around the end of 8th grade I had finally realized that I was bi. But I didn't publicly announce it because of fear that I will get made fun of. When I got to 9th grade I was finally comfortable in my own skin. I was comfortable with my sexuality amongst others. Well accept my family. At school people knew I was bisexual, while at home my family thought I was straight. Until one day I I confessed

On April 23rd I had confessed to my older sister over Skype that I was bi. I was surprised that she had taken it so well. She had told me that she thought I would be either gay or bi. I found out then that she was bi as well. She said she hadn't seen me as a straight teenager because I was so much like her. We had both agreed to tell out family when we were both ready seeing as my family doesn't know she's bi either.

After that day I became more confident with my sexuality. I was proud to bi. Though I still haven't told the rest of my family that I was bi I was still proud to be who I am now. I have made so many friends that are in the LGBTQ+ community.

Here on wattpad I feel safe to express my sexuality as its like a normal thing here on Wattpad.

So Wattpad and everyone on wattpad I am here to tell you.

I'm bi. I like both men and women. I've had boyfriends and girlfriend. I am the B. I. Am. Bisexual.

And I proud of that.

So there ya go, my story

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