1.6 Ye Ren

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I walked into the building and was met by a door boy who asked for my name so I could be introduced to the crowd.

"My name is Su Lin," I told the cute little boy flirtatiously with a wink.

"Th..thank you," he said with a blush raging all over his face. He opened the door and cleared his throat.

"Introducing, Su Lin," he yelled as the crowd quieted down.

I then walked through the door and heard a wide range of gasps coming from the people below. I walked slowly down the stairs, moving my ass a little which earned me a few lustfull gazes.

When I reached the last step, I bowed a little and made my way over to my parents who I noticed when I was on the top landing of the stairs.

I walked with confident strides, my back straight, my head held high and a smile playing on my lips.

The room was still quiet as everyone was still looking at me with shock when they realized who I was.

"That's the Su Family's eldest son?!" A lady gasped.

"It seems so," a man sitting next to the lady whispered.

"I didn't know that he was so handsome," another voice rang out.

"He will be perfect for my daughter," another man said, already seeing the wedding.

"Can your daughter match with him," another man said with a snort.

"Well at least she has a chance," the first man defensively said.

"Did you see his purple eyes, they looked gorgeous," a lady swooned.

"His ass looked mighty fine too," a lecherous man said as he licked his lips.

"I think he could rival in looks with the Xia Family young master," a voice sounded. Everyone agreed with that statement.
"Mother, Father, I apologize for being so late,"
I said as soon as I reached them.

"No matter son, it's the fact that you're here that's good," my father said with happiness. My mother just pinched both my cheeks which made me blush in embarrassment since we were in public.

"Son, let me introduce you to my good friend," father said as he pulled me in front of the man that he was talking to before I came.

"This is the CEO of the Xia Family Co." my father introduced to me, "and this is my eldest son Su Lin," father introduced me to the man. I shook his hand in greeting.

"Well old friend, you've got a fine son here," Mr. Xia said appraising me.

"Your son ain't half bad either," my father said humbly but you couldn't mistake the look of pride on his face.

"In fact, where is your son, I don't think I've seen him yet," my father asked curiously.

"That boy, he has been cooped up in his room doing who knows what since he came back yesterday," Mr. Xia sighed helplessly, "but he should be arriving any minute now."

While Mr. Xia and my father were conversing, I decided to go to he balcony that overlooked the city below. There were cars stuck in traffic, and people waking on the sidewalks. Just the hustle and bustle of the city.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice a figure walk up behind me. He watched me in silence so I didn't detect him until he got close to my right ear and blew a breath of air into it.

Startled, my hand instinctively went to my ear as I moved back away from the figure and calmed my beating heart down. I turned around and glared at the person who did it but was surprised when I saw that it was Ye Ren.

He looked strapping in his dark gray suit and you could see the outlines of his well built muscles underneath the clothes.

He smirked when he noticed me evaluating his body.

"Do you like what you see?" He smiled smugly, flexing a bit of his muscles.

"As if there's anything to see," I lied. I sure as hell wasn't going to admit that I liked his looks. That would be giving in to him too easily.

"You don't mean that Lin'er," he said as he stepped closer to me.

"I meant every word and when did I tell you that you could call me Lin'er, we're not even that close. Heck, I only met you once," I said annoyed that he took liberties without my consent.

"We could be close," he replied back, selectively ignoring the rest of what I said.

Before I could say anything more, I saw a flash and heard a click of a camera and turned my head to the source. I knew that there was not supposed to be any paparazzi in here so I was confused at where the flash came from.

I guess Ye Ren saw my confusion because he said, " Don't worry love, it's one of my people."

Ignoring how the way he called me upgraded from Lin'er to love, I asked, "why do you need a cameraman?"

"To capture all the moments I have with you," he said dangerously close to my face now.

"You...you..." I couldn't finish my sentence. This was the first time someone actually got the upper hand from me. That made me feel threatened so I turned around and ran away.

Not literally, I still had to keep my image. I just excused myself and speed walked away, all while hearing his chuckle from behind me. I headed over to my mother who was talking to a bunch of aristocratic ladies.

"Mother," I said to her I greeting, "ladies," I greeted the other woman.

"Mother, I'm going to head up to my hotel suite to rest," I told her. The party was going to be extended till tomorrow when everyone goes out for a round of gulf. So most of the guests booked rooms in the hotel to stay for the night.

"Okay Lin'er, be careful," my mother warned.

"I will," I assured her.

I then headed up the elevator which went directly to my suite and stepped into the spacious room. I took off my suit jacket and laid it on the couch while I went to turn on the bath.

When I came back to strip off my clothes, I almost screamed because I saw Ye Ren laying on my bed, staring at me with amusement written all over his face.

[sup y'all author here, I was seriously surprised(in a good way) at how many reads I got for this story.😊

I want to thank all of you who've read, voted, and commented on my works. I really appreciate it.😁

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

P.S. Sorry about the cliffy😉]

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