Being Me

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I t's funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and make it into their own version of reality.

-Percy Jackson and The Olympians; The Lightning Thief

Carmela's POV:
Ms. Casanerro, our adviser, had announced that our last term tests were coming up. Do you know what that means?

It was the end of the school year. We're moving up! Going from seventh grade to eighth grade. Good bye 7B! I'm gonna miss you, (not really.)

This year had been really awesome, and I decided to jot it down in my green randomness notebook where I basically do, well.... Random stuff!

"Hey Carmela!" Aria called.

"Great timing, Aria!" I said.

"What? Why?"

"I was just wondering if you could at least write some random things in this notebook, since I basically don't know what to write, and it's almost the end of the school year, so...."

I showed the notebook and gave her a pen, she gladly took it and started writing random stuff.

"No prob, I'm gonna miss you!" She said.

"We'll only be apart for a month and a half," I smiled.

"Uh, Carmela...." She lowered her voice. "There might be a chance that I won't be here in the next school year."

"What? Why?"

She said that they were moving to the next city over, there might be a possibility that she won't be able to stay.

So, there. She wrote some pretty random stuff on my notebook. She even wrote a sweet letter for me, awww. That's sweet!

I hate the thought of her leaving, but showing how I feel about the situation won't be fixing anything.

I might as well enjoy my remaining time with her.

I asked other people to fill it out for me too. That includes CJ, Maine, Loeh, Eliza, and others.

"Thanks so much!" I said as they passed it on.

Geo's POV:
After the writing in the notebook, I sat in a table with Carmela, since it was chill mode.

In chill mode, you get to stay in any seat you'd like and just talk with friends. This time is given to us when we don't have anything else to do in a subject anymore.

Since it was almost term tests, and we were finished with lessons, we get to sit wherever we'd like and just.... Chill.

But honestly, I'd rather be at home. Away from.... Society.

Snuggled up in my blankets with my tablet and probably posting new stuff on Devian Smart.

Yes, I do have an account on Devian Smart.

But for now, I guess I'd have to enjoy my time with Carmela, Dante and some of their friends.

"Term tests are coming up," Aria sighed. "Plus, damn clearance...."

"Yeah," Carmela nodded. "I'll take a short break from publishing the chapters on my stories on Wattfad. I have got to study."

"Why are you so smart and adorable?" Biclone asked Carmela.

"Shut up, Biclone!" Carmela and Aria said in unison.

"Anyway," Carmela shifted her eyes. "Look! CJ and Jeromeo are arguing again!"

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